台灣與西班牙雙方國科會的福爾摩沙計畫,提供兩國的行星科學家緊密合作的絕佳機會,經過數次會議及討論後,我們決定”海王星外物體”的觀察研究應是雙邊合作的最好方案。因為這個課題把台灣和西班牙在行星科學研究的強項,以及可以互補的地方都能有效的整合起來。把雙方的研究能力和水平都推向更深更廣的方向。有些要進行的研究工作特別有立竿見影之效。例如計畫之中的鹿林及卡路阿爾圖(Calar Alto)的聯合觀察網,便可以在台灣大力參與的「泛星計畫」(Pan STARRS)在追蹤觀察的面向上有很大的幫助。在掩星觀察的工作上,台灣和西班牙聯手必定可得到豐盛的科學成果。我們這個團隊的組合力量,亦有利於大型望遠鏡(如CFHT、WHT、Subaru和VLT)觀察時間的申請。此外在這個國際合作計畫以及台灣學界組織的UCAT的框架下,我們將系統性的推動和爭取ALMA對太陽系物體的觀察。台灣與西班牙在實驗天文學,特別是有關TNOs和天文生物學的實驗工作上,投入了不少心血。雙方合作可匯流成海,目標在於在這個新領域占有領先的地位。放眼未來,我們這個合作團隊將共同探討,針對小行星和TNOs觀察的特殊濾光片的研製,以及以CMOS為基礎的影像及光譜儀,和MEMS-DM(可改形狀鏡片)的適應光學技術的研發路線圖。 The CSIC-NSC Formosa Program provides an excellent opportunity to promote close cooperation between the planetary scientists in Spain and in Taiwan. After a series of meetings and discussions, the research topic of the trans-neptunian objects (TNOs) – or Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) – has been identified as the best possibility. This is because it merges the scientific interests and strengths of both parties in a very complementary manner. The proposed activity will add both breath and depth to the joint Taiwanese-Spanish team and hence will significantly quicken the pace and promote scientific productivity. For example, the coordinated follow-on observations at Lulin, Calar Alto and other locations will make important contributions to the PanSTARRS project of which Taiwan is an active science partner. There is also a high chance that this joint research team will be able to spearhead the development of stellar occultation measurements to a high level by joining forces. Joint proposals to large telescopes like CFHT, WHT, Subaru and VLT are to be pursued. The study of TNOs by ALMA will also be a key element taking advantage of the UCAT opportunity in Taiwan. Collaboration in the new field of laboratory astrophysics and astrobiology will add substances and momentum to the on-going efforts in Taiwan and Spain thus placing this CSIC-NSC team at the center stage of the international community working in this area. With a view of establishing long-term cooperation by exploiting new types of telescopes and instruments, a few near-term to long-range technical R/D items have been identified. These include the productions of special filter sets for photometric observations of asteroids and TNOs, the conceptual developments of CMOS-based backend devices for OIR imaging and spectroscopic measurements, and of MEMS-based DM adaptive optics, respectively, which will be applied to next-generation large telescopes and space-born observatories. 研究期間:10001 ~ 10012