本劃延續去年計劃,其中主目標之一即為發展如DIAL (Differential absorption lidar)及DOAS 技術,並研究臭氧(O3), NOx(NO+NO2), NOY, SO2, 等微量污染物之探測。DIAL 系統在過去一年中已有進展,對臭氧及硫化物探測已獲得初步成功,我們並開發成功3D 光雷達並將此一技術應用於大氣與工業污染的偵測。今後將利用此一設備進行臭氧,氣膠的大氣化學與工業排放研究。包括氣膠,臭氧,水汽,二氧化碳等的相關性,平流層影響,邊界層海陸交換等。 This project is a continuation of last year’s work on the development of ozone dial system and measurements technologies. DIAL (Differential absorption lidar) has been constructed successfully in the past yearfor measuring ozone and sulfur dioxide in the past year. Meantime, we have developed 3D lidar system and apply it to monitoring atmospheric and industrial pollutants. In the future, these techniques will be used to understand atmospheric chemistry of ozone, aerosols, NOx, and industrial pollutions, their interactions and boundary layer transport such as land-sea breeze effects. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107