本計畫的主要目的在於充實中央大學數學系圖書室(簡稱中大數圖)的圖書及期刊,以利教學及研究,並支援中壢、桃園地區大專院校數學研究及教學方面所需的服務。為配合本系研究、教學方向,每年持續訂購、添增及維護圖書和期刊,特別著重在充實理論數學、機率、統計和計算數學方面之圖書和期刊。本計畫包括支援中大統計研究所的補助經費,數學系與統計所之分配原則為: 1. 「人事費」及「其他費用」全部用於數學系圖書館的專任與兼任管理員之聘用及耗材、儀器維護與期刊裝訂費…等雜支。 2. 「研究設備費」數學系與統計所之分配比例為3:1。 The main purpose of this project is to replenish the collections of books and journals in our Library, located in Mathematics Department of National Central University. In order to benefit our faculties and students as well as the people from the colleges in Chung-Li and Taoyuan area, we need to acquire new books and journals constantly, especially we emphasize the boos and journals in pure mathematics、computing science、probability and statistics. 研究期間:10001 ~ 10012