摘要: | 當今科學教育的趨勢,已經從單向權威的以教師為中心,移轉到以學習者為中心的探究式學習。學習者在親身體驗的過程中較能理解並保存知識。而以活動為主的教學,也比較容易達成情意的學習目標。研究亦顯示,實際操作、觀察、分析加上討論,的確比只「聽」老師說有更好的效果。因此互動式科學活動的設計與實施,在博物館等非制式教育場域中相當常見。其主要的目的不外乎藉由動手體驗,讓學習者透過探究的過程,建構科學的理解與知識。然而我們也必須非常小心,不能讓互動的科學演示活成為餘興節目,於是能否提供民眾「觀察的引導」、「思考的時間」、「動手的機會」、「驗證的過程」,便成為科學活動成功的要素。本計畫針對制式教育部分的補強,於週一至週五間舉辦「我的科學體驗教室」活動,開放給各級學校、機關、團體。藉由演示觀察、動手體驗的互動過程,提高科學學習的成效。另在週六下午,針對一般社會大眾舉辦「假日科學廣場」活動,選擇生活化的主題設計,融科學原理於輕鬆的互動過程中,讓學習在潛移默化中發生。計畫分三年執行,第一年重心為教具的研發與製作,隨後遞減。隨著計畫執行時間增加、研究數據累積,後期的重心將挪移至計畫的成效分析上。 At a time when science has been ranked high in the development agenda of countries nationwide, science education is now more important and crucial to the progress of a nation than ever before. Consequently, how to quip the citizens with science literacy has become a hot issue in recent years. As one of the leading universities in the field of science, owing sufficient resources and media for science research and education, National Central University (NCU) serves as a good institute for science enrichment for the public outside their occupation and daily environment. In this project, two programs are to be launched in support of formal and informal education. For formal education, an “Interactive Science Demonstration Center” is open to PK-12 schools, colleges, civic educational organizations, and governmental institutions. Featuring “My Interactive Science Classroom”, its interactive science demonstration and science DIY activities are designed to assist classroom learning, with contents that are geared to the age, educational background, learning/ working experiences of its homogeneous participants. For informal education, “Holiday Science Plaza” is held weekly for the general public. With topics related to real-world daily experiences, it provides opportunities for the participants to engage themselves in the investigation of science from the view of practical use, with the aim to recall their natural curiosity, and to recognize how science takes part in their lives and the world. Throughout the project, the ultimate goal is to enhance people’s science literacy, with the ability to understand and interpret core science concepts of life, to perceive the connection between science and the progression of technology and society, and to reason scientifically and logically in solving questions. 研究期間:10012 ~ 10111 |