本計畫之目的是以「奈精科技公司」所開發的Robot機器人伺服機馬達設計實現一套完整的機器人開發套件。本計畫擬以Robot機器人伺服機馬達為機器人動力基礎,自行設計連接馬達間的桿件、開發一套電腦軟體介面控制機器人的動作,並設計一嵌入式控制器,使機器人除了能利用電腦設計動作外,還可以下載機器人動作至嵌入式控制器上,獨立的完成使用者設計的動作。此外預計加入感測器模組,如:紅外線測距、麥克風收音及網路攝影機等,使機器人能接收外界環境資訊做出不同的動作,讓表演更加生動。本計畫主要有四個主題:(1)機器人硬體機構設計,包含了人型機器人、機器狗及機器蛇三種機構。(2)機器人動作範例,針對三種不同的機器人設計其動作範例。(3)設計一軟體介面,使用者能在該介面上設計機器人的動作並下載至嵌入式控制器上(4)設計一嵌入式控制器,該控制器能儲存機器人的動作,控制機器人動作並與接收感測器資料。在硬體機構設計上,預計以soliwork進行硬體機構桿件的設計,配合奈精科技生產的伺服機馬達進行三種機器人的機構設計。在軟體介面上,預計以C語言設計一使用者操作介面,讓使用者能夠利用此介面與機器人連接並設計機器人的動作。接著利用NIOS單晶片設計一嵌入式控制讓使用者能夠下載機器人動作至控制器上讓機器人獨立的完成動作的展示。最後將感測器裝設在機器人上,使機器人能依不同的感測數據做出不同的動作表演。本計畫所完成之機器人開發套件可為「奈精科技」提供一個多元化的商品展示平台,以此來展示其伺服馬達的性能與應用層面。並進行機構設計、機器人動作設計、嵌入式軟硬體系統、感測器融合等相關的展示與研發。This project likes to fabricate and manufacture several robot models with DC servos which are produced by the Nanoprecision technology company. We also design the embedded control system such that these robots can do some basic motions. The goals to be achieved are as follows. 1. Build three robot models, machine snake、humanoid robot、and machine dog; furthermore, design the connection structure for each robot model. 2. Each robot can do several basic motions, such as walking, squatting down, crawling, standing up etc. 3. Design an interface such that player can edit motions and transfer the motions to the controller. 4. Design a control for each robot to save the robot motions such that the robot can do the motions independently without additional computer. Soliwork software is used to design the structure of the hardware and C-language is used to design a human-machine interface. Nios embedded system is used to serve as the embedded controller in which we design and save the motions to be performed by the robots. Furthermore, we also look for some suitable sensors including infrared sensor, microphone, and CCD which can be installed on the body of robots. Finally, the achievement of this project is to provide a robot development platform product such that the company can demo and promote their servo motor applications and robots. 研究期間:10006 ~ 10105