摘要: | 隨著無線通訊網路日趨成熟,衛星定位之車輛應用也日趨普及。透過異質無線網路之車間通訊或藉由公共建設傳達交通訊息的方式有更多發展空間。也使得透過異質車載網路提供智慧型行車服務已成為世界各國所致力研發的關鍵技術。依據車輛在道路行駛的特性,行車安全及車間通訊相關的輔助機制也應運而生。但對如何防範危險駕駛、酒後駕車或精神不濟等可能造成事故的因素,尚無有效對策。此外對於如何調適性的管理交通號誌系統以達到提升人員運輸效率,減少燃料消耗和廢氣排放,降低環境污染,仍然存在廣泛的研究空間。在未來複雜的異質車載網路中,行車資訊,交通流量及車載網路的整合管理勢必是未來將面臨的議題,因此如何有效地運用車間資訊以降低事故率,提升運輸效益及建立完善的車流跟網路管理機制,已成為亟待解決的研究議題。本計畫分三個年度進行。第一年度將以降低車間交通事故率為目的,由車間防撞、車輛預警及群組通訊機制等技術研發著手,研究車間的各式訊息如何有效地傳達。第二年度則將前一年度的車間通訊機制擴展到預防超速、蛇行及酒駕等危險駕駛之機制的研發,同時研擬一套可動態支持多種應用服務的路由協定,以提供車流資訊之整合。第三年度則以前兩年度之研發成果為基礎,設計一套適應乘客情況變化的交通號誌管理系統,以降低交通擁塞,節約能源及降低空氣污染。本計畫將同時設計並實作一套可適應未來異質車載網路環境的網路管理機制,以確保服務品質。最終以發展一套智慧型網路及交通管理機制為目的,並整合道路及車輛的資訊,以作為未來整體交通安全及流量控管的系統。 With the techniques of wireless communications growing mature, applications of satellite location service implemented in vehicles are gradually becoming popular. Hence, there are more development and research opportunities among vehicle to vehicle communications and vehicle to infrastructure communications in a heterogeneous vehicular ad hoc network. Intelligent transportation services are then key developing techniques in the world wide. By adopting the characteristics of vehicles running on the road, a number of vehicular safety and inter-vehicle communication mechanisms are invented. However, there are still lacking effective solutions to prevent dangerous driving, drunken driving and tiredness driving. In addition, there are a great number of research issues regarding to improving passenger transportation efficiency, decrease fuel consumption and exhaust gas by adaptively controlling transportation signal system. In a future heterogeneous vehicular ad hoc network, it is inevitable that peoples have to face the issues of information management and network management. Accordingly, issues about how to handle inter-vehicle communications effectively and establish the perfect vehicular network management mechanisms are needed to be solved as soon as possible. The major tasks of this national science council project consist of three years work. In the first year, advanced methods about effectively transferring messages among vehicles is explored and proposed in order to decrease the rate of accidents. The techniques to improve collision avoidance, collision notification and group communication mechanism are major topics. In the second year, the inter-vehicle communication mechanisms achieved in the first year is going to be extended. Advanced Methods including dangerous driving detecting, enabling self-organization management in vehicular group communication is the key study domain. In addition, a dynamic vehicular ad hoc network routing protocol is proposed to support various application services.. In the last year, an energy saving adaptive transportation signal management system is proposed to achieve not only decrease traffic congestion, but also significantly reduce energy consumption and air pollution. Moreover, an advanced heterogeneous vehicular ad hoc network management mechanism is going to be designed and implemented to integrate the traffic management mechanism and network management mechanism based on the achievement of previous two years. Moreover, this system is going to provide a high quality of service by integrate all communications messages of intelligent transportation system to improve the performance of whole system. Last but not least, an intelligent transportation system management mechanism is expected to depict as the template of vehicular safety and traffic control system in future. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107 |