本文使用中壢特高頻雷達於1997年中所接收電離層資料中,在經過挑選的四次流星現象資料裡,由分析1997年8月8號流星頭回波訊號的結果,估計出其距離下降速度為51 km/s,距離速率的減速率為向上 17.7 km / ;而在該流星頭回波訊號出現後,接著出現持續約26秒之流星尾訊號,利用雷達干涉法對各個高度的流星尾回波進行定位,可以得到高度96公里至109公里處的流星現象所在之中性風背景風場,而水平風場從高度96公里至109公里,由低至高有順時鐘旋轉的現象,在高度約100公里處有一水平風速很大的風切,其水平風速約92m/s,而利用自相關函數分析法可得所在中性風背景徑向速度,而由雷達干涉法所得的水平風場,也可求得徑向風速,而兩者比較的關係呈現正相關。 The horizontal wind velocity from 90 km to 110 km can be estimated through the drift of meteor trail echoes observed by Chung-Li VHF radar with spatial interferometery method. The observed meteor echoes included both from meteor head and meteor trail echo. The averaged fall velocity and deceleration of meteor head were estimated to be 51 km/s and 17.7 km / , respectively. The horizontal wind vectors in the height range from 96 km to 109 km rotated a clockwise with the increase of height, strongly implying an upward (downward) propagation of gravity energy (phase).