本計畫為執行中央地質調查所推動之4年期(2012~2015)「天然氣水合物資源能調查:高解析聲納調查」工作,將以高解析聲納探測方式,進行天然氣水合物之相關調查研究,以瞭解探勘好景區之海底地貌特徵,判釋冷泉或特殊構造區(如泥火山、泥貫入體、麻坑等)的分布,瞭解海底淺部地層沉積物之沉積特徵及特殊構造現象,並研判氣體逸出之可能通道或路徑,同時將提供海床淺層天然氣水合物儲集系統分析之參考依據;將建置西南海域全區精密水深資料,繪製全區海底地形圖及水深圖,作為底拖儀器探測與相關研究所需之精密水深參考資料,另為探測淺層地層之電阻率特性,以暸解海床近表層天然氣水合物可能的分布情形。為達成本計畫之目標,本4年期計畫將進行高解析底拖聲納探測(包含底質剖面及側掃聲納)、多音束水深資料收集及進行海底地電阻試測等工作。 本計畫將以中央地質調查所前2期8年(2004~2011)計畫在台灣西南海域對天然氣水合物之分布與特性之調查結果為基礎,繼續進行高解析聲納探測及多音束水深資料收集,以提供瞭解臺灣西南海域天然氣水合物的分布與資源潛能。本(101)年度計畫進行之調查研究工作包括: 1.在永安海脊及好景海脊區域,進行底拖底質剖面及側掃聲納探測。 2.在永安海脊及好景海脊天然氣水合物賦存區域,利用直流電阻(Direct Current Resistivity; DCR)探測設備,進行海底電阻試測。KEYWORDS: Gas-Hydrate; Sidescan Sonar; Sub-bottom Profiler; Direct Current Resistivity; Multibeam Abstract This proposal is aimed to carry out the 4-years project "Investigation of Gas Hydrate Resource Potential: High-resolution Sonar Surveys" of the Central Geological Survey from 2012 to 2015. The high-resolution deep-tow sonar will be used for gas hydrate research. The purpose is to understand the features of the seabed, to identify the distribution of cold seeps, mud volcanoes, mud diapirs, pockmarks, etc. We will study the characteristics of sedimentary strata and analyze the possible gas migration conduits or paths. Meanwhile, we will study the shallow features of seabed for gas hydrate reservoir system. We will compile a high-resolution bathymetry off SW Taiwan. We will also explore the formation of shallow resistivity characteristics, to understand the near seabed distribution of gas hydrate. To do this four-years project, the high-resolution sonar (including sub-bottom profiler and sidescan sonar), multi-beam echo sounder surveys and marine resistivity measurements will be conducted. This project will be conducted on the basis of the results of the past surveys of gas hydrate off SW Taiwan from 2004 to 2011. We will keep on conducting high-resolution sonar and multi-beam echo sounder surveys in order to provide a better understanding of the distribution of gas hydrate resources off SW Taiwan. The items of this year work consist of: 1. To Conduct sub-bottom profiler and sidescan sonar surveys in around the Yun-An Ridge and Good Weather Ridge. 2. Using Direct Current Resistivity equipment to understand resistivity behavior in around the Yun-An Ridge and Good Weather Ridge. 研究期間:10001~ 10112