2005 年6 月8 日國科會基於推動中子散射應用實驗,透過駐澳大利亞台北經濟文化代表處與澳大利亞商工辦事處,簽訂台澳「Agreement on Neutron Beam Applications Research」。依據該協議書,由國科會出資在位於澳洲雪梨附近的 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)興建一部新一代冷中子三軸散射儀。透過「台灣中子束實驗設施應用站建置計畫」的冷中子三軸散射儀SIKA(依台灣特有梅花鹿學名Formosa sika deer 命名),即將興建完成。完成後擬派1 位儀器科學家,1 位博士後研究,1 位博士生與ANSTO 聘任之資深三軸散射儀專家一同組成非彈性散射團隊負責運作與管理SIKA。 依規劃,澳洲OPAL 核反應爐每年運行340 天。SIKA 運作後,台灣即具有主控權使用ANSTO 所運作的中子散射儀中總共約240 天之實驗時間,提供國內各領域研究團隊管理使用。 SIKA 預計於2011 年7 月間即可完成組裝,再通過ANSTO 的安全審核通過後,進入準直測試階段,調置儀器各部間運作之相互準直,再通過ANSTO運作審核後,預計將於2012 年中加入ANSTO 的用戶安排開放用戶申請從事中子散射實驗。本計畫的任務在管理SIKA 的運作,實驗時確保SIKA 運作正常並符合安全規範,主軸項目包括建立SIKA 的儀器科學家團隊、安排審核通過的用戶實驗計畫、協助用戶設置SIKA 的儀器操作模式、協助用戶安全及有效率地運作SIKA、提供用戶所需的實驗環境、有限度的協助用戶從事非彈性中子散射實驗數據分析、建立台灣的研究團隊。According to the 「Memorandum of understanding between the Australian Commerce and Industry Office and the National Science Council of Taiwan for technical cooperation on neutron beam applications research」, signed on June 8, 2005, NSC is responsible to (i) provide funding and complete construction, within 4 years, of a cold neutron triple-axis spectrometer (CNTAS) at the OPAL reactor of ANSTO, and (ii) provide human resources at the level of 4 persons plus local administrative support for the operation of the CNTAS after hot commissioning and with the operational license issued. A 70% of one instrument time, which may be distributed over the full set of neutron beam instruments at the OPAL, will then be allocated for the NSC related scientists. In fulfilling and utilizing the Agreement, this proposal aim to build up a 「Taiwan neutron beam application station」 at OPAL for Taiwan community. We make plans to operate the following projects: (1) managing the operation of SIKA; (2) set up a topic for inelastic research group; (3) run users’ programs to support neutron scattering experiments to be conducted on SIKA. 研究期間:10108 ~ 10207