由德國國家太空中心與德國民間公司EADS Astrium所共同合作開發的X波段(9.65GHz)TerraSAR-X衛星雷達已經於2007年6月15日成功升空,其高解析度衛星影像,將為科學或商業用途上帶來更多資訊與應用,而衛星本身具有許多拍攝模式,使其能完成各式各樣的應用。為了要分析衛星影像,影像的校正是很重要的前置作業,早期對於衛星影像的校正是使用角反射器或自然反射物做為校正時所需的控制點,然而藉由已知的增益來產生控制點的主動式雷達校正器(ARC),可以提供更精準的校正資料與應用。因此,X波段主動式雷達校正器的設計與規格制定為本研究的主要目的;本文會由微波遙測理論與合成孔徑雷達原理來設計系統架構,制定規格並模擬,且由模擬結果來得到一套可行的系統規格。本文再有限的元件中建立了ㄧ套實驗系統,並對內部各元件作精確的校正與系統的性能量測,以確保實驗品質。最後,對實驗成果也會有詳細的討論。 In June 2007, the TerraSAR-X satellite has been successfully launched in a private public partnership between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and EADS Astrium GmbH. TerraSAR-X will provide SAR data both for the scientific and commercial community with an extremely high accuracy. The SAR instrument is very versatile by multiple operation modes, adapted to various applications. The calibration of the SAR image is crucial in order to guarantee and verify the SAR data quality. Traditionally the calibration uses passive calibrator and natural targets. However, active radar calibrator (ARC) is preferred for high accuracy application requirement because that provided known system gain, and therefore X-band ARC’s system design with each component specification decided is a major purpose of this study. We through theoretical analyzsis and numerical simulation, an X-band ARC system, including specifications of each component, were designed. By instrumental configuration and set up under the limited component, experiments were carried out. For ensure quality of experiment, component accurate calibration and systematic performance measurements were needed, Error and accuracy were evaluted. Detail discussion the experimental results are given.