本文為對唐君毅先生的《道德自我之建立》一書進行文本的研究,並以此來看唐先生的道德哲學。依文本的各章節思想脈絡,直陳唐先生本書中道德思想的重要概念,著重於唐先生本書道德哲學的開展,以疏解自我生命為目的而建立一「道德自我」為其立論的關鍵,並以此關鍵上談其根源為形上之「心之本體」,再以形上「心之本體」與形下「現實世界」加以合論,說明達到現實世界皆為我們「精神之表現」,由此得出人之一切生活,皆有其神聖之意義。筆者本唐先生所感問題發展之特色,針對唐先生所感之問題來作討論,再依唐先生為本書所寫導言部分之導引中所提點的中西哲學家之思想作補充,且與唐先生所提之看法互為參看,期能更明白唐先生思想之精華,並對本書中論及看似矛盾的問題意識,作簡要的探討,以達到更加了解唐先生的思想派絡及源由,期對唐先生的道德哲學作一初步的理解。This thesis is mainly to research Mr. Tang Chun-I’s moral philosophy through interpreting Mr. Tang’s The Establishment of Moral Self. I discuss the important concepts of each chapter of the book in sequence and put emphasis on expanding Mr. Tang’s view on moral philosophy, i.e. that the meaning of life is to establish moral self. Also, the metaphysical ontology as the source of moral self is discussed in this thesis. My purpose is to express that, in Mr. Tang’s thoughts, the reality where we are is the “representation of spirit,” and this makes people’s moral activity divine. I focus on the questions which interested Mr. Tang to discuss, supplement the ideas of east and west philosophers mentioned by Mr. Tang in the preface of the book, and refer to Mr. Tang’s own viewpoints to deal with the arguments which seems inconsistent. Herewith, the expectation of this thesis is to constitute a preliminary comprehension of Mr. Tang’s moral philosophy.