渦度相關法被視為最準確的通量量測方法。本論文所架構之渦度 相關系統以10Hz 的取樣頻率進行資料擷取;該資料經過消除奇異 點、消除趨勢線以及二次座標軸旋轉等處理程序後,計算地表通量與 分析。利用相似性理論所建立的數學模型以及奧克考夫尺度長度可以 間接估算可感熱通量,此估算方法稱為flux variance 法。在均質、平坦的地形上,flux variance 法可藉由溫度的標準差估算可感熱通量。本論文利用渦度相關法以及flux variance 法估算在中央大學草地之可感熱通量與潛熱通量,並且分析其差異性。 Eddy covariance method is considered to be the most accurate method for measuring surface fluxes. Eddy data were collected at 10Hz sampling frequency for analysis. Surface fluxes were calculated after several data QC/QA, including despike, detrend, and double rotation. Based on the similarity theory, the flux variance method provides an alternative approach to estimate sensible heat fluxes with the Obukhov’s length and the temperature standard deviation. Both the eddy covariance method and the flux variance method were applied to estimate sensible heat fluxes and latent heat fluxes for the experimental site with grass landcover at the National Central University. Intercomparisons of fluxes estimated by both methods were discussed in this study.