摘要: | 明代經學自清初以來幾乎已經被學者們定義成「空疏」與「積衰」的一代,進而全面抹煞其學術貢獻的可能性,然而檢討這些負面評價的依據,絕大多數是後人根據前人的口實再予以發揮的偏見,充其量只是新瓶換舊酒,陳陳相因,代代相傳的印象積累,實非經過審慎研究後的學術發言,這似乎已經脫離了學術研究的客觀理性要求,實非論事之宜也。但卻也因此導致今人研究的觸角甚少深入此一階段,或是盡以這些負面評價形塑以及理解明代經學,經由這些大量的曲解進而產生誤解,由人云亦云的成見逐漸變成定見,使得明代經學的真實樣貌從此闇而不明,其內涵生命一直鬱而不發,而流衍發展的脈落更被形容的支離破碎。故本文以「明代春秋學研究」為題,首要重點即在於回顧經學歷史中的主流批評與檢討歷代學者的評價論斷,從中釐析出一些值得斟酌或反思的議題與問題。其次則以春秋學作為明代經學的觀察研究標的,探究其中官學與私學的流衍與影響,經學研究中的本質與內涵,學術發展中的趨向與轉變,以此總結出明代春秋學的興衰與得失,強調的是藉由當日學術事實的呈現以取代人云亦云或不知所云的負面評價,據此修正前人對於明代經學狹隘不振的錯誤認知,以及彌補已往對於明代經學似是而非的詮釋解讀,達到對此一時代學術的實質性理解。The Confucian Classics in Ming Dynasty, having been defined by scholars as “hollow” and “weak” since the early Qing Dynasty, is devalued as making little contribution to scholarship. However, most of the negative valuations come from the prejudices that the descendents inherit from the predecessors. In other words, what we assess the Confucian Classics in Ming Dynasty, instead of the deliberately scholar statement , is at most following the impressions passed on from generation to generation, incompatible with the objectivity and rationality the scholarship requires.The well-established biases preclude modern people from delving into the essence of Confucian Classics in Ming Dynasty, which has been shaped by negative valuations that mislead us about it. Distortion and misunderstanding make the authenticity and marrow of Confucian Classics in Ming Dynasty, whose development process is described as lack of coherence, blurred and unknown.Accordingly, the essay titled “Study of The Spring and Autumn Annals in Ming Dynasty” firstly focuses on the retrospect of the mainstream critics in the history of Confucian Classics and the review of judgment and valuation from scholars of all the past dynasties, among which some deservedly weighed and reflected issues are to be clarified.Secondly, the review of Confucian Classics in Ming Dynasty will be targeted at The Spring and Autumn Annals studies, in which there are explorations of the transition and evolution of the official and private studies, of the essence and contents of the study of Confucian Classics and of the academic trend and transition, from which to conclude the prosperity and decline, or the gains and losses, of The Spring and Autumn Annals studies in Ming Dynasty.The essay aims at replacing the inheritedly and obscurely negative valuations on Confucian Classics in Ming Dynasty with academic facts, revising the predecessors’narrow misunderstanding of Confucian Classics in Ming Dynasty, compensating the past specious interpretation of Confucian Classics in Ming Dynasty and then arriving at the true understanding of it. |