本論文的目的,主要是為了回應彼得‧拉比( Peter B. Raabe )先生在2010年,輔仁大學舉辦的「哲學諮商工作坊」中的一席話:他說由於他個人是個無神論者,不主張將靈性的議題納入他的諮商理論中。但筆者有不同的意見,因為在人性中本有靈魂部份,若無靈魂之研究,哲學諮商即有所偏頗。例如亞里斯多德就曾認為所有知識都是高尚而有價值的。就知識的確切性而言,或就知識對象的崇高和精美而言,有的知識更富有價值。就這兩方面來說,亞里斯多德認為我們有理由把研究靈魂的學問放在第一重要的位置上。 因此本文主張,盼從哲學分析靈魂研究之重要性,以補充哲學諮商之內容,從而增益哲學諮商之功能。The aim of this essay is to respond to Dr. Peter B. Raabe's talk in a workshop on Philosophical Counseling, 2010, in Fu Jen Catholic University. In this workshop, he talked about his being an atheist, he would not discuss soul issues in his counseling theory. I, however, think otherwise for souls exist within our bodies by nature, without Soul Study, Philosophical Counseling wouldn't be complete. According to Aristotle, Soul Study is the most important knowledge we should obtain in the first place. Because the soul is noble and delicate and also because of its certainty, Soul Study should come first among all the studies. I, hereby, asserts in this essay that through philosophical analysis of the importance of Soul Study, we could supplement the contents and increase the functionality of Philosophical Counseling.