本文主要探討neo-Hookean圓球中微孔在非線性的微分方程的動態反應之基礎下分析橡膠材料中微孔的動態擴張。neo-Hookean 圓球孔洞在受到週期荷重的影響下震動型態並非固定,隨模型所承受之初始條件改變而改變。在相同孔洞大小下,施加不同的外力,其材料孔洞會有不穩定擴張,此力學行為可能造成材料模型局部分子結構弱化導致整體材料衰減。 本文研究週期外力對neo-Hookean圓球模型的影響,並討論圓球微孔因為外力而造成弱化之情況。This paper mainly discusses the neo-Hookean sphere micro-void in the basis of the dynamic response of nonlinear differential equations to analyze the dynamic expansion of the micro-void rubber material. neo-Hookean sphere voids in the period load under the influence of vibration patterns are not fixed and change the model initial conditions which are subject to change. The nonlinear effect on the ball with a micro-void is more obvious. The dynamical behavior of the micro-void will change when loadings with different load are applied to the surface of the rubber ball. In this paper, the periodic load force on the neo-Hookean sphere model, and discuss the micro-void because of external forces caused by softing.