本實驗主要是施作符合現行規範設計之鋼筋混凝土梁,分別配置有無截斷的鋼筋在其中,進行耐震受力行為分析,討論鋼筋截斷梁受翼版的影響,以了解現今規範設計之適用性。 由實驗的結果得知,有無截斷的鋼筋之鋼筋混凝土梁在降伏載重、勁度與韌性表現相當。其破壞模式不受截斷的影響,都是由塑鉸區剝落大量混凝土的撓曲破壞。於鋼筋截斷的位置上因為有規範建議的超額箍筋保護,所以即便因翼版內的版鋼筋有貢獻,因而引入較多的剪力,也沒有對梁之鋼筋截斷處產生不良影響。The purpose of this study is to observe the behavior of RC beams under cycling loading, which design by standard code. The beams have slab and steel bar cut-off in beam part. Test result will check the beams bar cut-off design according to ACI standard code, but without considering slab bar effect. From the test result, it was found that the behavior of rectangular RC beam with steel bar cut-off is similar to prototype specimen. The similarity in seismic behavior includes strength, stiffness, and ductility. Both of rectangular beams have the same failure mode at the end of the experiment, concluding as flexural failure at near the column face. This is because, according to the standard design, there are excess stirrups at the end of the steel bar cut-off. Therefore, even the T-beam specimen has extra inducel shear provided by slab bars, there is no harm to the failure mode of the T-section beam, similar to rectangular beams.