本文提出了查表式追星儀的系統,並開發應用於查表式追星儀的星資料庫建構、星匹配以及姿態鑑別演算法。星資料庫建構演算法建構出查表式星資料庫,經比較各種演算法的搜尋速度時間複雜度,其擁有較快之星資料庫搜尋速度。星匹配演算法可比對出正確的參考星,藉由星像模擬器驗證其擁有高匹配成功率以及無匹配錯誤的優點。姿態鑑別演算法可從參考星資訊計算出追星儀相機姿態,並使用星像模擬器驗證其精確度。Look-up table star tracker system was designed in this paper. Therefore, the star database construction, star matching, and attitude identification algorithms were proposed for Look-up table Star tracker. Star database construction algorithm construct a look-up table type star database, and the star database searching speed is faster compared with other algorithms. Star matching algorithm match the right guide star, and it has the advantage of high success match rate and no wrong match according to the verification of the star simulator. Attitude identification algorithm calculate the Star tracker camera attitude from the guide star information, and the accuracy was proved by the star simulator.