為追求便捷與舒適的現代生活,人們愈來愈倚賴空調耗能設備的使用,造成能源耗用與二氧化碳的排放,不利地球永續發展。本研究主要目的為評估各種常用的節能手法如綠屋頂、遮陽板、Low-E 玻璃等,對既有建築之節能改善成效。本研究採用Autodesk 所發行之ECOTECT 軟體進行分析,分別以一商辦建築以及一一般住宅建築案例,透過關鍵參數的改變與能源需求模擬進行分析。藉由能源消耗及不同設施的參數模擬後發現,商辦大樓可有效節省達87%以上的能源使用,在一般住宅則可有效節省能源高達96%。本研究首先從文獻蒐集各種既有建築節能手法,而針對節能效益較佳的手法,進行組合並模擬分析,以得到最佳節能效益。透過分析結果指出,部分參數如外氣滲透率(infiltration)對能源消耗具有較大的影響,可降低商業建築整體能源消耗達18%,一般住宅則達84%;另窗戶玻璃種類則可降低商業大樓整體能耗達42%,一般住宅達17%。其他建築手法,如牆壁材質、屋頂材質、遮陽設備、以及室內空調溫度設定等對能耗影響則相對較小,但亦可有效降低能耗。當某種節能手法可能造成能源損耗降低,另種節能手法卻可能造成能源的損耗,因此對於建築能耗採取整體建築(holistic building system)進行分析是非常重要的,當評估者分析建築能耗時,皆應採取綜合性評估方法,如同本研究針對各項節能手法所提出之計算方法一般。The main goal of this thesis is to reduce energy consumption entailed for space heating andcooling in a building, particularly an existing one. The research question addressed was how thedifferent building components affected the thermal performance of the dwelling and how thesecan be modified to decrease actual cooling and heating load. Two case studies are presented, anoffice and a residential building, for which key parameters were changed and annual energyrequired was calculated using Autodesk’s ECOTECT. Using whole building energy simulationand modifying a building’s components it is possible to reduce space heating and cooling energyrequirement for a house and office building by up to 96% and 87% respectively. Thesesignificant energy savings were achieved by first analyzing each building component that has amajor impact on space heating and cooling afterwards best performing components weresimulated altogether. Results indicate that some parameters have a bigger impact on energyconsumption than other, these being infiltration reducing overall energy needed by 18% forcommercial building and 84% for residential building; and windows which minimize overallenergy needed by 42% for commercial building and 17% for residential building. The othermodified parameters such as walls, roof, shading device, and temperature set had more modestresults; nonetheless these decrease energy consumption as well. While one component mayreduce the energy entailed for space cooling and heating another might increase it, it’s importantto analyze it as whole since they belong to the same building. When aiming to reduce energyconsumption a holistic approach must be taken the building must be seen as system in whichevery component must function in harmony.