「計價」及「工期」爭議是國內公共工程這十幾年來爭議之最大源由。因工程進度管理失當及進度評估失準,衍生工程款之估驗不當情事,亦常發生。統包工程金額龐大、工程範疇廣、複雜性與技術性高,其進度管理與成本控管尤更不易。本研究以國內一家統包工程公司組織分工為基礎,統合簡化建造工程數量、進度及分包商合約管理三者資料流。由專案管理單位規劃建造作業時程、建造週卅月計劃進度及進度評估指引作為進度計算基準;設計單位提供施工圖之細項工程數量作為建造工程數量管理基礎;建造單位/分包商每日回報完成之工程數量作為建造實際進度及分包商請款依據,建構以工程數量為管理基礎的統包工程建造進度及分包商請款整合模型。透過底層細項的工程數量資料的更新回饋,從下到上的階層式架構、逐層自動更新計算,完成多層級建造實際工程進度計算。在一套工程數量資料,允許建置七套進度權重及十種工作分類管理報表,滿足不同角色、不同層級之管理和控制要求。並整合分包商合約管理,自動完成工程數量計算及完成金額統計,迅速正確完成分包商合約估驗請款。本研究可落實建造進度計算、分包合約計價的量化管理。建立之整合型系統可以解決工作分散;規劃進度與實際進度無法整合以及數量計算與進度管理無法整合的問題。"Payment" and "schedule" are two major areas of construction disputes. Mismanagement of schedule will also incur inaccurate measurement of pricing and payment. In the realm of turnkey contracting, complexity of the project further deteriorate the effectiveness of payment and schedule management.This work takes the experience of one of the biggest turnkey contracting firms in Taiwan, in analyzing how the quantity take-off, project schedule and subcontractors management can be integrated into one single strategy platform by rationalizing company organizations. In the aspect of project management discipline, the baseline of schedule is formed based on construction schedule, and various schedule related planning endeavors. In the aspect of design discipline, the provision of detailed construction shop drawings ensures the accuracy of detailing the quantity take-off. In the aspect of the construction discipline, the daily tally of completed quantity of work is fed to the calculation of actual construction schedule and further to be used as the based for payment to the subcontractors.