最近幾年,以位置資訊為基礎的服務持續發展中,像是搜尋、目標追蹤或是緊急搜救等;在無線感測網路中,精準且高效率的定位演算法是這些網路服務的關鍵。過去的文獻中已記載了許多不同類型的定位演算法.由於無線感測網路的布建範圍廣大,考量其成本和硬體的限制,range-free類型的定位演算法較為可行。在本篇論文中,我們提出一套新的方法叫做SHR Correction Scheme (簡稱SCS),利用這個方法來測量距離跟定位。我們將此方法和其他range-free的距離測量方法跟定位演算法比較,我們發現SCS可更有效的降低距離測量跟定位上的誤差,在相同條件的設定底下,我們的距離測量方法以及運用在定位上比起其他的方法更為精確,尤其是在錨點(anchor)數量低的情況下。In recent years, a number of location-based services have been proposed, such as search, target tracking and rescue. An accurate and efficient localization algorithm is crucial in supporting all these services in wireless networks. There are many different localization algorithms proposed in the literature. Due to the cost and limitation of hardware on sensing nodes, range-free localization schemes are considered more practical. In this thesis, we propose the novel correction scheme, namly SHR Correction Scheme, for distance estimation and localization. Compared to other range-free distance estimation and localization methods, SCS reduces the range estimation and localization error significantly, especially when the number of anchors is low.