摘要 本研究之目的在於利用集集地震及其餘震之強地動資料分析台灣西部場址效應,藉此其能更進一步來了解台灣西部地區之場址特性。以非參數分離法對西部台灣進行震源、路徑、場址效應的分離,並以參數分離法及非集集地震群之分離加以驗證,以期能夠對台灣西部地區各縣市近地表的場址效應加以研究,並比較集集地震與非集集地震所造成場址效應之差異,希望能提供本地區地震防災及建築物耐震設計的參考以及對此區域之場址特性加以了解。本文所得之結論如下: 1.本研究以非參數分離法得出台灣中西部地區S波Q值: Qn=169.3 0.4Hz≦f≦2.0Hz Qn=241.9 2.0Hz≦f≦3.5Hz Qn=207.1 3.5Hz≦f≦20.0Hz 2.以前人研究台灣西部地區合理的Q值進行參數分離法得出集集地震群與非集集地震群的震源頻譜及場址效應,其場址效應之分布形態相當類似。 3.台灣西部地區的場址效應如下: 桃竹苗地區:除少數沖積平原有低頻放大外,呈現岩盤站的特性。 台中地區:台中盆地呈現岩盤站的特性。 台中、南投山區:除霧峰及民間有較大的場址反應外,其餘地區場址效應並沒有明顯的放大。 彰化海岸平原區:有高頻放大的現象發生。 雲嘉南海岸平原區:屬於低頻放大地區,其山區則明顯呈現岩盤站的效應。 4.在高頻時場址效應的高值應該是相對於場址低區的結果,發現場址之高區多位於麓山帶及平原之交界區,及沖積扇扇頂部分。 5.以Qn及Qp所分離之震源及場址項相當類似,可知西部地區受路徑效應之影響較小,及Qn與Qp相差並不顯著之關係。 6.若在測站之空間分佈良好,及配合地形及地質學討論,非參數分離法不失為測量場址效應及震源頻譜之方法。 Abstract The strong motion data of the Chi-Chi earthquake group and the non-Chi-Chi earthquake group collected by the Taiwan Strong Motion Instrumental Program (TSMIP) in western Taiwan was analyzed using the spectrum separation method. The non-parameter method was applied to separate the source term, the propagation term and the site effect term. The data were also examined by the parameter method, but no significant differences were found. The follow conclusions were obtained: 1. Q-value of the S wave in western Taiwan is Qn=169.3 0.4Hz≦f≦2.0Hz Qn=241.9 2.0Hz≦f≦3.5Hz Qn=207.1 3.5Hz≦f≦20.0Hz 2. The distribution of the site responses in western Taiwan is (1) The site effect in the area of Taoyuan , Hsin Chu and Miaoli:the site behavior like rock site response except that there are some low frequency amplification in a few area at the alluvial plain. (2) The site effect in the Taichung area:the Taichung basin presents a characteristics of the rock site. (This could be the reason that the Taichung City did not suffer great damages during the Chi-Chi earthquake.) (3) The site effect in the mountain area of Taichung and Nantou: the site effect in this area have no special amplification except Wufeng and Minchien, which might be related to some soft sites with the liquefaction abilities. (4) The site effect in the coastal plain area of Changhua:the site effect have high frequency amplification . This is not well recognized before. (5) The site effect in the coastal plain area of Tunlln , Chiayi and Tainan: this area belongs to the low frequency amplification and it’s mountain area shows obvious effect as the hard rock . 3. The high values of the site effect at the high frequency range might correspond to the low value of site effects. The areas of high-valued site effects are mainly distributed along the boundary between the mountain and the plain, especially, at the root part of some alluvial fan . 4. The Q-value difference may not be significant in this study which uses some constraint to level the site effect. The relative amplification at different sites in the analyzed area is more meaningful. Some areas with rock-site behaviors are worth notification, such as the Taichung basin.