本研究是使用地電阻影像剖面法於桃園地區尋找支持南崁斷層 存在的證據與其地理位置。測區位於桃園台地與林口台地的交界帶, 大多在南崁線形北段的山腳地區至沿海地區,共有12 條地電阻影像 剖面測深資料。南崁線形沿線的地質以沖積層、桃園層、與林口層為 主,含細沙、粉砂與泥較高的沖積層與桃園層相對於礫石較多的林口 層,在地電阻影像剖面中會顯示出較低的電阻率。在本實驗中,桃園 層的紅土層或沖積層的泥岩、頁岩、砂質頁岩其電阻值低於80 ohm-m,林口層的紅土層夾礫石電阻值約為80?300 ohm-m。 探勘結果中顯示,桃園台地的地層大致為水平,桃園層與林口層 之間的地層交界處存在一不連續。此不連續面為西北-東南向。由地 電阻影像剖面觀察到的地層厚度變化與地層連續性,推測不連續面的 成因較可能為河流侵蝕作用所造成的,因次在本實驗中未發現南崁斷 層存在的明顯證據。 In this study, the electrical resistivity image profile method is used to seek for the evidence of Nakan fault and its location in Nakan area. Twelve electrical resistivity image profile data measured in the Nakan area. In this study, the strata on the Taoyuan terrace have a resistivity lower than 80 ohm-m. The rocks on the Linkou terrace have a resistivity of 80~300 ohm-m. The results shows that the strata on the Taoyuan terrace seems in horizontal state. A discontinuity exists between the Taoyuan terrace and the Linkou terrace in shallow depth. But it seems continuous in depth. Therefore, the electric discontinuity in shallow depth is explained to be an unconformity. This unconformity might be caused by river erosion and sedimentation. No obvious evidence of the Nakan fault was found in the study.