地球物理探勘中電測的探勘方式已經發展了一段時間,各項電測方法如直流電阻法(Direct Current Method),地電阻影像剖面法(Restivity Image Profile Method)已經趨於成熟,但是傳統的電測儀器皆需用不鏽鋼探針敲擊至地面以下,對於施測者有二項的缺點:一.費時費力的負擔。二.條件嚴苛的施測地點如水泥鋪面或是柏油路面上施測,不易將探針敲擊至地面以下,故本研究使用新一代的電容耦合地電阻探測系統(Capacitively Coupled Resistivity System -- OhmMapper)。 此系統首先在相鄰區域不同的施測環境下進行系統訊號的再現性與穩定性檢測。之後於三個不同環境的區域進行探勘管線或坑道。最後與透地雷達(Ground Penetrating Radar)剖面以及RIP(Restivity Image Profile Method)剖面互相比較其結果。 A study of pipes and tunnel by Capacitively Coupled Resistivity System Guan Hua Lee Geophysical exploration has already been developed for a long time. The traditional instrument has the shortcomings of two items .First, it takes more times and needs more manpower .Second, it will be hardly influenced by the environment. The GeometricTM develops Capacitively Coupled Resistivity System-Ohmmapper in order to improve these two shortcomings. The Ohmmapper system was tested in a variety of environments to evaluate the data stability and repeatability under different survey conditions. Than using the Ohmmapper system investigate pipes and tunnel in three cases. Apparent resistivity Profiles with GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) profiles and RIP (Restivity Image Profile Method) profiles will be compared by each other in this study.