既有橋梁承載力、安全性、耐久性或剩餘壽命評估是目前全世界工程界所關心的議題。瞭解橋梁損傷位置與程度可以將有限的維護經費作最有效合理的使用,因此橋梁損傷評估對於橋梁維護管理來說便顯得格外重要。本研究計畫之總體目標是研發既有橋梁健康狀態診斷評估的實用技術。以結構振動訊號進行模態參數分析,藉由模態參數的改變來評估結構損傷的位置與嚴重程度,並於實驗室內以模型試體進行可行性證後,搭配移動式之落重撓度儀與動態互易定理於實體橋梁進行實際測試,以驗證該方法實際應用的可行性,檢測之結果將結合非綫性力學分析方法,進行結構之耐久性、安全性評估。本子計畫除開發既有橋梁快速診斷技術外,同時亦發展橋梁安全監測管理系統。本整合型計畫針對集鹿斜張橋進行結構健康狀態之相關研究,亦可針對一般橋梁進行評估,各子計畫共通之特性為均可應用在橋梁安全監測管理系統,因此本子計劃將發展一套可整合各計畫研究成果以及紀錄檢、監測資料的監測軟體平台有助於各計畫間的資料交換及分析成果的展示。三年之研發重點為:第一年:蒐集既有服役橋梁檢測診斷相關檢測方法,建立橋梁安全監測管理系統中之損傷結構耐久性與安全性評估分析模組。第二年:規劃建置橋梁安全監測平台外並於實驗室內設計試體進行損傷位置與程度試驗與分析,進行本研究所提出之損傷檢測方法的敏感度分析。第三年:將各計畫之研究成果結合到橋梁安全監測系統中,成為監測系統的安全分析模組。在橋梁損傷檢測技術開發部分,針對實際橋梁進行模態試驗,並分析橋梁損傷情形,並結合其他子計劃之研究成果,發展既有橋梁快速診斷評估技術。 ; The current load carrying capacity, safety and the remaining service life prediction of deterioration bridges are topics currently concerned by all the bridge agencies in the world. The identification of the location and severity of damage in a bridge is critical to the effectively using of limited maintenance budget of a bridge agency. Hence, the development of the inspection, diagnosis technologies for the evaluation bridge health condition has its important value on the maintenance and management of bridges. The main goal of this project is to develop fast inspection techniques and health evaluation and management software which can integrate the inspection and monitoring data to evaluate the load carrying capacity and service life of deteriorated bridges. The annually research tasks are: In the first year, conduct literature review on the inspection techniques and stiffness reduction methods for the deteriorated RC structure, collect inspection data, and develop the frame structure of the software of the inspection, diagnosis and service life evaluation of existing bridges. In the second year, develop damage assessment technologies in the laboratory and apply the inspection data to develop the capacity calculation methods of the deteriorated components of bridge and link these with the structural analysis codes for load carrying capacity and safety evaluations. In the third year, integrate all the research results of different research groups in the main project into the structural health monitoring and management system as the safety evaluation module. Field tests are conducted to verify the damage assessment technologies developed in the laboratory of the second year project. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807