本計畫目的在推廣節能減碳教育於學校與社會大眾。從每日校園生活與社教性科普活動兩個教育情境著手,進行節能減碳課程設計與實施,同時觀察與分析這些教學活動,採用組織民族誌與形成性介入研究法收集與分析資料,捕捉推廣節能減碳過程的助力/阻力,找出潛藏在推廣節能減碳實踐中之矛盾,希望對節能減碳價值觀的轉化速度有正向的推進力量。計畫將分三年執行,包含三個子計畫:(1) 節能減碳價值觀轉換的阻力分析:兩個教育場景的實踐研究,(2) 發展學校本位課程之行動研究-以「環境與能源教育統整課程」為例,(3) 科普推廣教育—能源與環境科學的非制式教育研究。其中,子計畫二由台北縣立鳳鳴國中全體教師與學生參與。預期具體成果效益包括:(a) 勾勒兩個教育場域中,導致節能減碳活動受阻的共通點與分殊處;(b) 從「節能減碳」的矛盾分析,引發推動節能減碳之組織自身的轉化; (c) 完成國中創新且統整性高的能源與環境課程教案、模組、教具與評量,以培育具備節能減碳使命感與行動力的未來公民;(d) 以創新的「模組化概念」及「矩陣式架構」開發節能減碳之科普活動素材,將節能減碳概念推廣於社會大眾。 ; This project is aimed to design science curriculums, in formal versus informal institutes, for all citizens to face the social and environmental problems nowadays. Carried out by insightfully designed curriculum, the concepts of energy saving and carbon reduction (ESCR) will be cultivated in school and also be disseminated to the general public. In addition, observation on people’s daily life in these two educational contexts will be conducted to identify the contradictions embedded in the practice of ESCR, which we hope will positively contribute to the social movement of ESCR. Our research will be preceded in three aspects: observation analysis, formal ESCR curriculums in a junior high school, and informal ESCR curriculums in many social settings. Research will focus on the innovations and action-taking of curriculum developed by these two institutes. Further analysis, based on organizational ethnography and activity theory (AT) model, will be followed to capture the barriers in local settings. This is a three-year project, which consisting of three sub-projects: (1) Barrier analysis on the transformation of the concepts and behaviors of ESCR, (2) Action research on the development of school-based ESCR curriculum: a case study for the integration of energy and environmental education, (3) Public science education development: Research of energy and environment education in informal settings. The second sub-project will be supported by all teachers and students of the Fung-Ming Junior High School. ; 研究期間 9807 ~ 9905