依據國營事業管理法之意旨,國營事業應依照企業方式經營,以事業養事業,以事業發展事業,並求有盈無虧,增加國庫收入。國營事業一方面與民間企業同樣需自負盈虧,另一方面亦須與行政機關一體適用行政機關之法令規章。尤其政府採購法自民國88年施行後,國營事業辦理之採購業務需依該法規範,這使得國營事業的採購制度更具透明性,但實務上也常造成事業認為該法的適用,影響採購彈性、採購成本,甚至不利事業經營之問題。本計畫將針對各事業執行政府採購法相關規範與必要性進行全面性檢視,並檢討分析各事業適用政府採購相關法規(包括我國已於97年12月9日加入世界貿易組織「政府採購協定」(GPA),該協定將國營事業列入政府採購清單)現況面臨之問題,以及比較其他先進國家的政府採購相關法規對其國(公)營事業規範之情形,提出國營事業適用政府採購相關法規之政策性建議及相關條文修正方向,以供政府參考。 ; According to the regulations of state-owned enterprises, they should be run in terms of private enterprises, and have to grow and develop by themselves in turn to make profits and contribute in increase of our government’s revenue. Not only are the state-owned enterprises responsible for their own finance as private counterparts, but are managed by the same regulations as general executive agencies. Especially since the Government Procurement Law (GPL) was promulgated in 1999, they should have followed its rules to deal with procurements, which makes their procurement systems more transparent. In practice, however, fitness of the state-owned enterprises into GPL may affect their elasticity and cost on procurements, and may be not good for their running. The project will firstly make a comprehensive review on execution and necessity of governmental procurement regulations for state-owned enterprises. Secondly, it is to analyze possible problems that these enterprises face while those regulations (including the Government Procurement Act (GPA) of WTO, which was signed on Dec. 9, 2008) are fitted into them. Thirdly, comparison of such regulations for state-owned enterprises of several advanced countries will be made. Finally, policy suggestions and legal amendments about fitness of governmental procurement regulations into state-owned enterprises are to be proposed. ; 研究期間 9805 ~ 9811