交通部運輸研究所在其八十七年度合作辦理之「用路人駕駛模擬器軟硬體之規劃研究」案中(IOT 87-32-3185),已建立一套易於擴充且以研究為主的駕駛模擬器雛型,以為將來從事研究之用,而本計畫之目的在於賡續強化駕駛模擬器雛形的視覺效果、擴充VR模型及場景、加強操作者與場景的互動反應、使操作者能真正融入虛擬實境技術所創造的環境中。為達到臨場振動感受的情境,駕駛模擬器平台必須與模擬系統的電腦相連接,根據車輛動態分析程式所計算之結果推動平台,因而在本計劃中將進一步建立六軸動態平台以取代前期計劃中的固定式平台。同時,為建立六軸動態平台本土化的研究能量,本計劃將針對六軸動態平台進行完整的設計分析,包含平台的機構運動分析、結構應力應變分析等,以為未來在平台耐久性分析的基礎。而在車輛運動分析方面,為配合本計劃對前期固定式平台的改善,以六軸運動平台來取代,將進一步發展傾覆模式,並結合前期計劃中的操控模式,以模擬車輛煞車、轉彎等所造成的擺動、傾覆等行為,同時為考量未來使用車輛的多樣性,手、自排等硬體與車輛動態分析軟體間輸出/入關係將進一步研究。本計劃也將針對各種標誌、標線對駕駛者車速影響的問題進行模擬研究。 ; In the research project of "Study of the Software and Hardware of Driving Simulator" (IOT 87-32-3185) sponsored by Institute of Transportation (IOT), Ministry of Transportation And Communications, it had been construct an expansible driving simulator for future research purpose. In this project, it will continue to reinforce the visual effect, to add more VR models and environments, and to add more interactions between the operator and environment, thus the operator would truly merge in the environments which were created by VR technology. Therefore, a motion plate with six hydraulic actuators must be established and the vehicle system dynamics analysis included waving and turn-over behavior due to the braking and turning of vehicles will also be performed in this project. Finally, the drivers' behavior due to the different sizes or colors of signs and lines will be investigated. ; 研究期間 8806 ~ 8907