微影技術是微奈米元件與結構的關鍵製造技術之一,熱微影技術是利用熱源於阻劑上進行熱化學反應進而達到圖紋轉移之目的,相較於傳統光微影技術的解析度受限於光源的波長,熱微影技術於一般阻劑中並沒有類似的限制,且熱的傳遞速率遠遠小於光的傳遞速率,這兩個特點使得熱微影技術成為一極具潛力的三維微奈米製造技術,將可應用於未來半導體元件、微機電元件及許多奈米結構的製造。熱微影技術仍在其發展初步階段,本計畫乃在研究暫態熱傳於高分子阻劑薄膜中的行為,並探討熱穿透深度於三維熱微影技術的可行性及控制模式。實驗利用薄膜微加熱器來提供區域熱通量及量測區域溫度,此方法不僅提供了一個簡易的量測平台,同時也解決了使用雷射或探針加熱之熱微影技術的熱通量及溫度的量測問題。實驗中將利用周期之脈衝熱源來觀察阻劑的高分子動力學表現,並配合數值模擬分析微觀熱傳情形,此研究不僅有助於熱微影技術於傳統半導體製程或MEMS 與奈微結構製程中的應用發展,同時對微奈米尺度熱傳及高分子薄膜熱傳的基礎理論發展也具有重要供獻。 ; Lithography is a critical enabling technology for manufacturing microand nano-scale devices and structures. Thermolithography use heat as the exposure source and thus trigger the thermo-chemical reaction in resists to transfer patterns. Comparing to the traditional photolithography, which resolution is limited by the wavelength of the light source, thermolithography does not have the similar drawback in common resists. In addition, heat transport is a much slower process than light. These two features make the thermolithography a potential technique for three dimensional micro/nanoscale manufacturing. It can be applied in the fabrication of semiconductor devices, MEMS, and micro/nanostructures. Thermolithography is still in its early stage. This proposal described the experimental study of the transient heat transport in polymer thin-films, and the feasibility of using thermal penetration depth for the three-dimensional manufacturing. Using a thin-film micro-heater/thermometer, the local heat flux and temperature can be accurately measured. This method not only provides a simple experiment platform, but also avoids the difficulties in measuring heat flux and temperature in a laser- or probe-based thermolithography. In the experiments, periodic heat pulses are applied to observe the polymer dynamics of the resist. With numerical simulations, the microscopic heat transfer in polymers can also be studied. This research not only helps the development of thermolithography in IC, MEMS, and micro/nanostructures manufacturing, but also contributes to the theory of the micro/nanoscale heat transfer in polymer thin films. ; 研究期間 9711 ~ 9810