本研究將設計一新型的被動式壓電吸振器,申請人稱之為被動式「雙聯壓電吸振器」,其主要組成以兩個壓電吸振器為一組,並以不同之被動電子元件連接二吸振器,考慮兩吸振器間的互動與耦合,成為新型之吸振器。計畫中此類吸振器將主要用於減少旋轉樑之振動,並且希望藉著吸振器結構之改良,可以克服原本動態吸振器之缺點,且能提高減振範圍之頻寬。本此計畫將首先進行雙聯壓電吸振器之設計,並推導複合旋轉樑之運動方程式,以及壓電吸振器之統御方程式,再求解系統之時間與頻率響應,最後以數值結果分析吸振器之減振效益。本計畫擬將重點置於不同的雙聯吸振器設計或系統參數對旋轉樑減振效應的影響,以及討論如何用較少個數的吸振器進行寬頻且多模態的振動控制。 ; This research provides the design of an interacting dual piezoelectric absorber. Piezoelectric material shunted with a resistor and an inductor has similar functions to a mechanical vibration absorber and is called a basic piezoelectric absorber in this research. The interacting dual piezoelectric absorber consists two basic piezoelectric absorbers and an electric branch connecting them. The connecting branch allows interaction between two basic absorbers. The change of electric elements in this branch can result in different features of the interacting absorber compared to the basic one. The presented interacting dual piezoelectric absorber is used for vibration reduction of a rotating beam in this research. The design of the absorber is first addressed. The beam, rotating about its longitudinal axis, is modeled by using Rayleigh beam theory. The equations of motion of the composite system, including the beam and the piezoelectric material, are derived. The electric governing equations of the piezoelectric circuits are also presented. Generalized coordinates of the vibrating beam and the currents of the absorber circuits are solved numerically. Then, the forced responses of the beam, under control by the absorber, are obtained. Discussions are focused on the design of the absorbers for a better and broadband vibration-reduction effect. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807