近年來,由於空氣污染造成地球暖化現象日趨嚴重,已成為國際間重視的問題。其中汽機車所排放的廢氣,更是空氣污染的主要來源之一,而在台灣國人普遍使用的機車,其每公升汽油燃燒所排放的廢氣又為汽車的數倍,更是主要的空氣污染源。本實驗室在過去數年中已將現有的機車修改(如圖一至圖三所示),以空壓馬達取代傳統的引擎與燃油系統,以達減少空氣污染之目的。以往的空壓馬達多用在特殊的工作場所,如防爆需求較高或精度要求較差的場所。由於空氣為可壓縮的,且當氣壓較小時,其力量較無法克服摩擦阻力,同時由於氣壓在上升與下降方式帶動馬達狀況不同,因此有黏滯的現象,整個乃為一非線性系統。在過去數年間的研究中,我們利用DSP控制器與比例式電磁閥,來達成定速控制與定位控制的目的。然而由於其較為昂貴,較不實用。因此在本計劃中,我們希望利用FPGA晶片配合on-off閘閥,並利用PWM的概念,來達到定速控制的目的,並將其應用在機車傳動上。此外為提高其應用層面,我們也將繼續發展空壓馬達FPGA定位控制器。雖然我們之前所發展的DSP定位控制器,已能使空壓馬達達到微米級的精度,為節省成本,使用FPGA定位控制器與on-off閘閥仍是。 ; Nowadays, the air pollution has been a serious problem for causing the global warming and deteriorating our living environment. The exhaust from the motorcycles cause a greatly pollution and their pollutant gases represent 10% of the total air pollution emission in Taiwan. The purpose of this research is to assemble a motorcycle powered by air motors and develop a speed controller for improving its efficiency. During past few years, our laboratory has modified a motorcycle by replacing the engine, transmission gears, fuel tank and pipes by an air motor, a compressed gas tank and pneumatic piping system. Figure 1 shows the hardware of our air-powered transmission system, Figure 2 shows the operation piping of the air motor system and Figure 3 shows the practical road test of our air-powered motorcycle. The experiment result revealed that the system will have the best efficiency when traveling at the constant speed. Hence, how to maintain the constant velocity under variable environmental conditions becomes an important issue. We propose to develop the FPGA speed controller for our air-powered motorcycle. Furthermore, we also want to develop position controller for air motor system to improve the accuracy of industrial application. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807