漸開線錐形齒輪由於具有可控制傳動背隙、可多樣組合、組裝誤差敏感度低、加工容易等優點,為一應用場合廣大之特殊空間齒輪。但由於在空間齒輪機構組合之嚙合型態多為點接觸,因此齒面承載能力不足,從而限制其在動力傳動的發展。本計畫為 93~95 年度計畫之後續深入研究計畫。93~95 年度計畫的研究方向係利用歪斜軸錐形齒輪在特定條件下,齒面具有近似線接觸的概念,發展出歪斜軸錐形齒輪在重負載傳動下齒面承載能力提昇之設計模式。本計畫則針對無法達成長接觸斑的錐形齒輪傳動,以齒面修整方法並配合移位嚙合的設計觀念,提出增強錐形齒面承載能力新的設計方案。本計畫分成兩個階段,並以三年為期進行研究:參數化齒面修整理論模式發展以及實驗驗證。參數化齒面修整理論模式在 96 年度(執行中)與97 年度計畫(申請)進行。將探討如何根據負載條件、以及齒輪設計參數決定最佳之齒面修整方式。移位嚙合的概念亦將應用到齒面修整參數化模式中。在計畫中亦將探討修整型齒輪之受負載齒面接觸分析與組立誤差分析,並以有限元素分析加以模擬與驗證。在98 年度計畫中,則以實驗方式驗證「齒面修整」傳動設計模式應用於重負載之可行性。利用自行設計與製作之實驗設備,進行齒面(點蝕)強度疲勞實驗。測試結果並將與有限元素分析結果加以比較。本計畫最後會將此驗證可行之錐形齒輪重負載齒面修整設計模式,納入多年來所發展的錐形齒輪計算分析程式中。 ; Because conical involute gears have ability of backlash control, variety of spatial combination, mounting errors absorption and simple manufacturing, they become an important gear drive of precision transmission. However, the conical gear drive is restricted in application to power transmission because of less surface durability due to point contact while in meshing. This project is an extended research from the three-year NSC project 2004~2006, which goal is to develop a approach for designing skewed conical gear drives for power transmission by using the concepts “approximately line-contact” and “profile-shifted transmission”. This project is however to study how to enhance the surface durability of conical gear drives through combination of the concepts of parameterized “tooth flank modification” and “profile-shifted transmission”. The project will be executed within three years and is divided into two research phases correspondingly: (a) theoretical study on parameterized tooth flank modification, and (b) experimental validation. In the first-year project (the running project 2007) and second-year project (2008, in proposal), the theoretical model for tooth flank modification will be developed under consideration of the loading condition, gearing and assembly data etc. The concept “profile-shifted transmission” will be also applied to the parameterized flank modification. The loaded tooth contact analysis, the influences of assembly errors will be furthermore discussed. Those results will be simulated and validated through finite elements analysis. The design approach for tooth flank modification will be validated in the third-year project (2009) through experiments. The works in this phase are (a) design and manufacturing of the test rig and the corresponding gears, (b) surface durability (pitting) test. The test results will be also compared and analysis with the FEA results. The verified design approaches for tooth flank modification of conical gear drives will be also converted into an interactive computer program in this project. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807