透地雷達應用於地質描繪及工程非破壞檢測均有許多成功的案例,其應用於大理石及片麻岩石材礦破裂面調查係為近年來之一新應用方向。本研究為應用透地雷達技術於蛇紋岩石材礦場的裂隙調查研究。 本實驗施測地點為台灣東部花蓮縣瑞穗、玉里地區之蛇紋岩石材礦場。對於蛇紋岩石材礦場岩體內之裂隙分佈調查剖面裂隙及裂隙延伸追蹤。係以多組平行測線施測,並配合露頭觀察所得的結果,瞭解岩體內部裂隙三維分布情形。 在花蓮美侖工業區石材加工場中,則利用已切割成六面體之蛇紋岩正材,進行透地雷達的施測。瞭解雷達波在蛇紋岩中的傳遞速度和不同頻率之穿透深度,以幫助礦場施測所得資料的判讀。 本研究結果顯示,使用透地雷達對礦場岩體與蛇紋岩正材的內部構造探測均有良好效果。若能在礦場開採前利用透地雷達對於蛇紋岩石材進行施測。將有助於礦場開採作業的進行,並提高石材的成材率。 Ground- penetrating radar (GPR) technique is successfully used in both geologic and civil engineering studies. This technique is recently applied to mapping the fracture zones in a marble or gneiss quarry. The aim of this study is an extension of the previous quarry studies except in the serpentine quarries. The measurements were conducted on the floors of Serpentine quarries in the Ruey-shin and Jiin-chang quarries, Hua-lian, eastern Taiwan. The aim is concentrated to the fracture distribution inside the outcrops. The Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey lines were parallel to each other by an equal distance on the surface of the outcrop of serpentine. Then a three-dimensional (3-D) picture of fracture distribution can be recognized. In Mei-lun industrial estate, Hua-lian, some well-cutting rock samples were being studied, an optimum deploying of survey lines with proper data processing, the main fractures of a rock sample can be detected. From the demonstration in this research, it indicates that GPR survey does provide the information related to the quality of the quarry or rock sample. In addition, it also has the advantage of saving time and money in an early stage of an excavation. A Study of Fractures of Serpentine Quarry by Using GPR Heng-Yi Tu ABSTRACT There are many successfully case studies of using Ground- penetrating radar technique (GPR) to geologic description and civil engineering. Application of Ground-penetrating radar technique recently has been proven to be effective in defining the extension of fracture zones in a marble or gneiss quarry. Ground-penetrating radar technique is applied to study the fractures of serpentine quarry. The experiments were conducted on the floors of Serpentine quarries in Ruey-shin and Jiin-chang quarries, Hua-lian, eastern of Taiwan. We observed fracture spread on outcrop and using Ground-penetrating radar by equal rank exploration investigated into the inner fractures of serpentine rock and recognized fracture signals or environment noise. In Mei-lun industrial estate, Hua-lian, the model studying of serpentine cube in serpentine workshop was comparable with the study result on the floors of quarries. By using an optimum survey design and a proper data processing, the fractures of serpentine rock can be detected. Therefore, using a GPR survey previous an excavation in a quarry has the advantage of saving time and money.