本研究分季在中山樓、大油坑以及庚子坪三地收集了近三年的地熱氣體與溫泉水,並且試著藉由分析其中多種地化參數的變化情形,並輔以統計分析方法,期望找出大屯火山區地熱活動與地化成份變動的相關特性,以作為大屯火山地區長期監測之參考。在氣體分析項目上,研究結果顯示大屯火山區火山噴氣中之酸性氣體皆以CO2為主,但變動範圍非常大,而SO2與HCl的濃度高低則依採集地點而有所不同,大油坑的SO2濃度為三地區中最高者。根據統計分析所得結果,火山噴氣中各火山氣體濃度的變化確實與微地震的發生有極大的關係,且亦受採樣情況與降雨影響而有所不同。 溫泉水的分析結果上,陰離子的分析項目以SO42-濃度為最高,而平均陰離子濃度則以大油坑地區為三地中最高者,尤以SO42-與Cl-濃度最為顯著。陽離子分析方面,平均而言以Na+、Ca2+以及總鐵離子的含量較高,而K+、Mg2+的濃度則較低,微震活動、淋濾作用、雨水稀釋等皆是溫泉水的離子濃度變化的原因。至於氫氧穩定同位素分析結果顯示,並無明顯證據指出有來自於地函或岩漿庫的成分混入,因此推測大屯火山區溫泉水的主要來源皆為天水,並未有安山岩水或岩漿水的混入,而大油坑與庚子坪地區的δD-δ18O偏離情形,原因主要應為強烈的蒸發作用所致,部分樣品或有少量地層水的加入。 至於採樣點的地熱活動特性上,中山樓地區離地下熱源較遠,因此活動較為緩和,大油坑地區則有非常劇烈的噴氣活動,推測離地下熱源較近,且地下構造較為破碎,因此有助於火山氣體的上升,而庚子坪方面,此區的噴氣活動雖不如大油坑強烈,但強烈的蒸發作用顯示地下的高熱,推測此地區距離熱源亦不遠,但地下構造似較無容許火山氣體直接上升的通道存在。 The fumarolic gas and thermal water samples were collected from Chungshanlo, Tayuken and Kentzepin on a seasonal basis from 1996~2000. Their chemical compositions were then analyzed and followed by statistical analysis. The purpose of this study is to find the geochemical characteristics that may be useful for the monitoring work in Tatun Volcano Group. According to the statistical analysis, the fumarolic gas concentrations including SO2, HCl and CO2, were certainly affected by the release of earthquake energy, in addition to some influence from rain precipitation and sampling condition. Whereas the results of thermal water demonstrate that microearthquake, leaching and dilution by meteoric water controlled the concentration including SO42-, Cl-, CO32-, Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+and Fe. Furthermore, hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions show the lineation of intensive evaporation effect, the mixing from magma water or andesitic water is limited in this study. Finally, as for the geochemical characteristics of three sampling areas in Tatun Volcano Group, Chungshanlo was concluded farther away from magma chamber than Tayuken and Kentzepin, the underneath structure in Tayuken area was believed to be more fractural than the other two areas.