近年來台灣愛滋病防制的宣導有個顯著的轉變:過去政府在宣導愛滋病可怕時所採取的恫嚇手段,逐漸被「關懷愛滋」的人性訴求所取代。政府在力促「一般大眾」要去關懷愛滋時,也同時教育他們「基本」的愛滋病常識,使之遠離「愛滋陰影」。本研究的問題意識在於,如果「遠離愛滋」和「關懷愛滋」(因為要關懷,所以必須走近)並置的這個提法其實架構出了一個關於理想健康國民主體(特別是未來主人翁)所處的空間和時間取向,而在這國族時空裡,關懷愛滋病生死者的追思與祈福儀式也持續進行成為宣導活動的重要部分。然而這裡到底有著蘊含了什麼樣的情感與性/別文化政治?愛滋如何被記憶起或遺忘掉?國族又是如何想像自身與愛滋的過去、當下與未來?本研究計畫欲提出一個愛滋病的性/別文化研究,檢視全民愛滋防治工程這個「社會改造運動」所蘊含的治理邏輯,分析宣導活動的媒體再現在公領域裡所召喚建構出的理想健康國民主體。藉著歷史進程的爬梳,本研究將揭示關懷愛滋的全民「安全性」教育這樣一個暫時的整體,是在什麼的特殊並特定歷史條件與時空下,從哪些場域的知識與權力部署的運作中被接合出來的,而這個接合的過程又造就了什麼面貌的文化霸權與性/ 別政略?藉由記憶政治的敏感倫理回應,本研究企圖論證顯示深植於愛滋認知內關懷互惠的侷限,並進一步深究攸關愛滋與社會正義的嚴肅問題。 ; A distinctive feature in recent AIDS awareness-raising campaigns is that the scare-mongering tactics, used by the government in the first decade of the epidemic, has been gradually replaced by the universal appeal for human(e) love. Perennial campaigns launched by the Taiwanese government now urge the ‘general public’ to bestow their compassion on people living with AIDS while working hard to steer them away from the shadow of the disease by educating them the ‘basic facts’ about AIDS. The problematic that this project seeks to pose is, if the juxtaposition of the messages ‘staying away from AIDS’ and ‘showing compassion for people with HIV/AIDS’ creates a time and space towards which the healthy national subject (especially the youths) are orientated, a normative national time and space where mourning for those who died of AIDS has also been institutionalised as part of the ritual staged on the AIDS Remembrance Day, then what does it mean for the nation to remember AIDS as it chillingly wishes and prays for a future without AIDS at the same time? This work of cultural study purports to examine the national AIDS prevention campaign and its inherent logic of governance and to investigate the ideological production of the compassionate national subject as interpellated through the AIDS national pedagogy. By way of genealogical analysis, it looks at the deployment of sexuality through AIDS within the space of Taiwan national culture. In particular, it asks under what historical contingencies and through what conditions of silences are the discursive regimes of ‘safe sex’ education articulated as it explores further the imbrication of the politics of emotion and gender/sexuality within this articulation process. By offering an ethical response to the current AIDS episteme in Taiwan through the politics of remembrance, this project will attempt to mark out the limit of compassionate altruism, in order to further address the profound questions relating to AIDS and social (in)justice. ; 研究期間 9808 ~ 9907