本研究主要利用一系列的鹼-骨材反應試驗法(ASTM C 227 ASTM C 289、ASTM C 1260以及 ASTM C 1293)針對台灣西部河川砂石以及北部地區安山岩進行試驗。 根據ASTM C 227和ASTM C 289的試驗結果,台灣西部河川砂石皆不具有危害性;而在ASTM C 1260中卻指其為危害性骨材,復進一步使用較符合現地建築物配比的試驗方法-ASTM C 1293,其結果顯示只有大安溪、大甲溪以及濁水溪的砂石是具有危害性的。 在北部地區安山岩方面,在ASTM C 227 和ASTM C 1293試驗中,在低鹼含量(1.2% Na2Oeq.)時,安山岩並不具有危害性;而在高鹼含量(1.5%及2.0% Na2Oeq.)時,便有鹼-骨材反應發生,所以北部地區安山岩在高鹼含量下,是具有反應性的。 比較ASTM C 1260和ASTM C 1293的試驗結果,當混凝土角柱中鹼含量較低時,兩者所得結果並不一致,而當混凝土角柱中鹼含量增加至某一程度時,兩種試驗方法所得的結果便能一致,在ASTM C 227和ASTM C 1260的試驗結果比較,也是具有相同的情況。 在北部地區安山岩悲極效應(pessimum effect)研究中顯示,在低鹼含量時,悲極效應並不會發生,當鹼含量增加至某一程度時,悲極效應才會產生。北部地區安山岩的悲極比例介於40%∼60%,且其悲極比例(pessimum proportion)有隨者鹼含量的增加而增加的趨勢。 A series of alkali-aggregate reaction tests including chemical test (ASTM C289), mortar bar test (ASTM C227), accelerated mortar bar test (STM C1260) and concrete prism test (ASTM C1293) for determining the alkali reactivity of aggregates in Western Taiwan rivers and Northern Taiwan andesites. The results of ASTM C227 and ASTM C289 tests showed that the aggregates in the Western Taiwan rivers were innocuous. Furthermore in ASTM C1260 test,they were all classed as deleterious .The results of ASTM C1293 test showed that they were innocuous except the aggregates from Dah-An river, Dah-Chia river and Zuo-Sweh rivers. The results of ASTM C227 and ASTM C1293 showed that the Northern Taiwan andesites were innocuous,when the alkali content was in the level of 1.2%(Na2Oeq.). But the alkali content in the two levels of 1.5% and 2%(Na2Oeq.), the alkali-aggregate reaction happened. So the Northern Taiwan andesites will be deleterious in high alkali content. Compare ASTM C1260 results with ASTM C1293 results, we can find the results of these two tests will be identical in high alkali content. The results of ASTM C227 agreed with ASTM C1260 in high alkali content. The results of the pessimum effect of Northern Taiwan andesites were non-available, when in low alkali content. When keeping increasing the alkali content, the pessimum effect was happened. The pessimum proportion of Northern Taiwan andesites was between 40% and 60%.The pessimum proportion was increased when the alkali content was increased.