層析成像又稱為斷層掃描,其係利用外加之能量針對待測物某個斷面進行全面性的二維或三維之探勘。層析成像技術已經普遍應用於醫學等領域,但其應用於地質或工程檢測方面仍不完備,要正確的顯現土木結構體或地層內部的影像,仍有諸多討論與改進的空間。本研究之目的,即是要探討層析成像之技術,應用於土木結構物檢測與地下地層的探測上,藉以擴大透地雷達應用之範疇。 本研究以透地雷達做為資料量測的工具,所量測的廣義投影資料為波行經的時間和波的能量變化,分別稱為走時(Travel Time)和振幅(Amplitude)。再使用適合之成像程式建立待測物之內部影像,並將所得的參數分布以色階表示,即可得我們所要之顯像照片(Tomogram),藉此瞭解待測物之斷面訊息。由實驗結果可知,透地雷達層析成像技術於土木構件或地質構造的描繪上優於傳統的非破壞檢測法。 Tomography is an image technique which generates a cross sectional picture of an object by utilizing the object’s response to the nondestructive, probing energy of an external source. Nowadays the theories and techniques of tomography have been well developed and applied to a number of fields such as Medicine. However, this technique is not well applied in geology and civil engineering. Making correct images of civil infrastructures and subsurface stratigraphy still have plenty of rooms for improvement. This research stresses on the ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey using tomography technique to civil engineering problems. The present philosophy is based on the travel time and amplitude of GPR. Using picture program establishes the image of the samples and color bar expresses the distribution of the parameters, a tomogram is formed. Then we can learn the structure of the cross section of an object. The results indicate that the tomographic GPR is superior to the traditional methods for non-destructive testing of the infrastructure or geology mapping.