本計畫的主要研究目的在於利用高時空解析度中尺度數值模式模擬的輸出資料,並採用氣象資料客觀尺度分離的技術,來深入分析梅雨季台灣中南部地區發生豪(大) 雨之天氣系統的大尺度環境流場及伴隨之綜觀系統與中尺度擾動的環流特徵與發展過程,進而探討相互之間的關係與回饋作用。計畫全程三年,本年度為第三年。 ; Using simulation outputs generated by high-resolution mesoscale model and applying the objective scale-separation technique to the simulated data, the objective of this research proposal is to investigate the circulation characteristics and the evolution of the large-scale environment, the synoptic and mesoscale disturbances associated with a Mei-Yu system which producing severe rainfall in central and southern Taiwan areas, and further examine the relationship and feedback effect between different scales of circulation. This is the third year of a three-year-term project. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807