摘要: | 近年來亞洲地區大氣污染物對我國的長程輸送已受到相當廣泛的注意。除了台灣之空氣品質受到衝擊外,亦可能會導致區域環境與氣候衝擊。台灣正好位於東亞大氣污染物下風處及南亞生質燃燒傳送路徑之下風處,然而,過去環保署著重全國空氣品質而建立空品監測網站,但多僅能代表地區性之特性;目前基於區域性與跨洲際大氣污染傳送,以及我國背景大氣化學基線資料之建立,已於中部鹿林山建構具國際水準之空氣品質背景站。鹿林山地理位置之優勢,足以吸引國際目光,更易於推動國際合作,加入相關國際監測組織,增進我國觀測技術,加強資料交換,以與國際接軌。本計畫目標即:一、提供空氣污染物全球擴散的重要資訊。二、強化我國資料預報解析能力。三、建立區域性合作機制,與國際監測接軌。 本團隊整合降水化學、微量氣體、大氣氣膠、大氣汞、大氣輻射等主要領域專長研究者進行相關儀器功能測試、維護、資料分析。推動與美國環保署、太空總署、海洋大氣總署合作,進行技術交流與資料交換。積極參與國際合作,以及其他有利我國參與之區域合作實驗等,進行實質監測、資料交換、技術交流、參與會議,並爭取會議主辦權。建置與後續維護鹿林山大氣背景站中英文網頁。並撰寫鹿林山背景站三年工作報告書,記錄建站歷史沿革與工作成果,並規劃未來後續工作重點。 ; In recent years, the long-range transport of Asian atmospheric pollutants (i.e. acid substances, Asian dust, biomass burning and atmospheric mercury) to Taiwan has been paid much attention. When dust storm or acid rain was reported, people generally expressed their concerns and felt their importance. Aside from the impact on air quality, above pollutants can also lead to regional environment and climate changes. Previously, monitoring network of EPA was focused on local air quality and it only has local representativeness. Owing to the unique geographical location of Taiwan which is situated on down streams of East and South Asian pollutants transport, the Lulin Atmospheric Background Station (LABS, 2,862 m MSL) located at central Taiwan has been established for measuring the baseline information of atmospheric chemistry under the UN/WMO/GAW protocol. LABS can be used as the intermediate site between the GAW Waliguan station (3,810 m; 36.28?XN 100.9?XE) in Tibetian plateau and Mauna Lao Observatory (3,397m; 19.54?XN 155.6?XW) in Hawaii. With the strength of LABS, we can attract the international attention and further extend more regional collaborations. The main purposes of this project are: 1.To assist the LABS to establish the monitoring techniques. 2.To analyze the long-term monitoring data of LABS. 3.To promote the collaborations with NASA AERONET and MPLNET. 4.To participate international monitoring campaigns. 5.To construct a LABS website. Our team includes the experts from the areas of precipitation chemistry, trace gases, aerosol chemistry, atmospheric mercury and atmospheric radiation in order to perform the function test and data analysis of all instruments deployed at LABS. We will promote the corporation with USEPA, NASA, NOAA for technology transfer and information exchange. Besides, we will actively participate the international collaborations such as UN/WMO/ABC and NASA/BASE-Asia. ; 研究期間 9701 ~ 9712 |