本研究使用地電法中的雙極排列及溫奈排列進行測勘,藉以探測地表下的污染物。由於一般有機溶液或廢棄物與原始地層電阻上具有相當差異性,故可經由地電法探測出之間的差異,本文即依此特性做為研究的理論,研究內容包括DNAPL污染探測研究及廢棄土檢測研究兩部分。在DNAPL污染方面,以工業區DNAPL滲漏為探測目標,佈置二維及三維測線,測勘結果與未污染區進行比對;廢棄土檢測方面,則探討地電法探勘的可行性。研究結果可歸納為以下幾點結論:一、在頭份工業區DNAPL滲漏場中,藉由半污染的測線得知DNAPL池的電阻率高於原始地層,並隨著濃度的上升電阻率升高。二、由多條測線高電阻帶分佈,研判目前殘留之DNAPL池深度約在15公尺以下。三、在a測線 7公尺、38公尺及P3測線65公尺處有疑似DNAPL滲漏點的反應,可供整治參考。四、廢棄土層的邊界及深度可由電阻急遽變化帶而區別出來,顯示地電阻法對於廢土深度的探測及界定範圍具有相當的實用性。五、由逆推所得電阻率剖面顯示的地層傾角,較槽溝剖面傾角為大,根據本次實驗結果,大約乘上0.72的折減係數,較接近實際值。 Risistivity image profiling (RIP) using pole-pole and Wenner techniques was used to study the subsurface contamination in two selected sites in Taiwan. The first one is to investigate the geoelectrical signatures using two-dimensional (2-D) RIP and three-dimensional (3-D) RIP surveys at a DNAPL site. Compared the results obtained from a contaminated zone to that of no DNAPL being detected zone were also done. Next is to delineate the subsurface structure and evaluate the feasibility of the RIP method applied to map the buried wastes in a landfill. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows: 1. High resistivity zone associates with the DNAPL zone; the higher the resistivity is, the denser the DNAPL is. 2. The location of migrated DNAPL researches to a depth of 15 m. 3. The high resistivity anomalies underneath the Lines A and P3 may associate with the migrated residual DNAPL. 4. RIP method is suitable for delineating the wastes in a landfill. 5. A ratio of 0.72 between the dips measured within the trench and that of the resistivity images.