臺灣地區氣象災害頻繁,經濟發展變遷十分迅速,氣象雷達可以提供如颱風路徑強度、梅雨豪大雨中尺度系統及正確降雨量等重要氣象防災資訊,氣象雷達的設置十分重要。西南沿海地貌及居住群落變化很大,因此氣象雷達站址可能地點應加以詳細勘查。本計畫將針對嘉南地區氣象雷達可能放置地點進行勘查,其中調查項目包括電波頻道、地形地貌阻擋、雷達電磁波強度估計等,進行可能站址評估。本計畫今年針對嘉義或台南等縣以移動式雷達進行站址評估, (1)電腦模擬地形阻擋,(2)實地進行地形地貌阻擋掃描,(3)居住群落及交通道路現況調查,(4)提供阻擋圖示檔案及數位檔案,(5)以預設頻道、發射功率、天線尺寸與天線增益依據雷達天線理論,計算電磁波近場、遠場距離及輻射強度。並提出完整可能站址評估結果及檔案資料。 ; Taiwan area has many different but severe weather hazards including typhoon and Mei-Yu front. The torrential rain brought by these weather systems often cause flash flood and land slide. In order to get important weather information such as typhoon track, typhoon intensity and the quantitative precipitation estimate of heavy rain system, weather radar is one of the most important instrumentation. This project will carry out the computer simulation of the blockage based on the propagation theory of radar electric magnetic wave. A mobile polarimetric radar will be the main tool to study the blockage caused by the natural terrain and buildings. For the safety of the radar site, the radar radiation intensity will also be simulated to provide an estimate of the range of far field. All the results of this investigation will be sent to CWB for the long term reference. ; 研究期間 9705 ~ 9711