九十五年度計畫中,利用鄰近的沿斷層兩口深井,透過實驗以分析其滲透性,並在兩井孔中分別放置井下geophone 型地震儀、壓力計(pore pressure)及溫度計並利用水注定(Water injection)了解可能地震誘發之行為,以清楚描繪高解析度的斷層速度特性,形貌,以了解斷層之可能癒合特性。長期觀測資料,以充分提供斷層活動特性之研究。在 2006 年11 月後,TCDP 井下地震儀(TCDP BHS)開始穩定的紀錄,在近一年的觀測中,除記錄高品質微震記錄外,我們亦觀察到其他特別波相,其可能與94 及95 年所進行雙井注水實驗相關的波相,也表現斷層動力破裂特性有關的波相。本年度計畫將持續進行 TCDP BHS 觀測,並針對此波相做模擬分析,,及斷層帶Q 值特性,及非均向性等特性,做最近場的分析。 ; The cross-hole experiment on hydraulic test is employed to estimate the in-situ permeability of the slip zone. The down-hole seismometers in Hole-A of TCDP can record the micro earthquake and record the triggered seismicity once the water injection is made in Hole-B. The analysis of the triggering events can help the understanding of earthquake triggering process. And, the cross-hole behavior during the experiment can provide the high resolution tomographic images of the fault zone and the recovering of a fault after a large slip. In addition to that, the leak of test of hole-B in TCDP gives the possible valuation of the initial stress. The dynamic modeling of the Chi-Chi earthquake provides the distribution of earthquake dynamic and static stress drop and fracture energy over the fault. The initial stress from leak of test will help to estimate the frictional stress to obtain the overall earthquake energy budget of a large earthquake. Again, this will be a first ever estimation of an earthquake energy budget. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807