在國科會與太空中心的支持下,中壢特高頻雷達已先後完成52與30MHz雷達的更新與建置,目前已可以順利接收來自低層大氣折射指數不規則擾動回波與電離層E域電子密度不規則體以及流星尾的回波。但受到經費限制,目前三座雷達天線波束尚無法朝不同方向獨立發射與接收,影響大氣觀測至鉅。因此亟需增購雷達資料擷取系統(Radar Data Acquisition System, RDAS)一套,改善雷達波束的指向,以大幅提升雷達對低層與高層大氣的觀測能力。另外亦受到雷達發射機功率偏低的限制(目前約只有100kW),在高層大氣的觀測方面,現在只能偵測到150公里高度以下的電離層E域內的電子密度不規則體。為了進一步提升中壢特高頻雷達的電離層觀測能力,擬添購發射機模組(Transmitter Module)三組,使中壢特高頻雷達的發射功率提升到160kW,使得中立特高頻雷達初步具有電離層F域電子密度不規則體的觀測功能。我們最終的目的是希望中壢特高頻雷達的尖峰發射功率能達到360kW,整體雷達的PAe值(亦即發射功率與天線有效面積的乘積)可增加到107-108 Wm2,使該雷達具有充分觀測完整高層大氣(70-600公里)的能力。 ; Under the auspice of National Science Council and National Space Center, the refurbishing of the 52 MHz VHF radar and the construction of the 30 MHz VHF radar located on the campus of the National Central University were completed. These two radars now can be normally operated to observe the lower and upper atmospheres. However, because of the limitation of the funds, the performances of these two new radars are not as high as original expectation. For instance, the three radar beams of the 52 MHz radar cannot be simultaneously steered in the different directions. In addition, the maximum heights that the 52 MHz and 30 MHz radars can detect are limited below 150 km. Namely, the electron density irregularities in ionospheric F region cannot be observed by the radars due to low transmitted power. In order to enhance the capability of the Chung-Li VHF radar, the peak transmitted power should be increased and the radar data acquisition system should be improved. We hope that, by doing this, the Chung-Li VHF radar will have the capability of observing the lower and upper atmospheres in the height ranges from 2 to 25 km and 70 to 600 km. . 表 ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807