本計畫整合國內不同大學與研究機構既有之觀測儀器和新添購之設備共同觀測電離層大氣波動現象之結構與動力。計畫將添購四套次聲波記綠系統和兩套極低頻地磁計建構網站以監測地殼活動、颱風、峰面、雷雨、惡劣天氣、移行大氣層擾亂引起之大氣層與電離層耦合波動現象。兩網站記錄資料將即時登入台灣大氣科學共同資料服務平台—台灣太空科學資料庫,以提供各大學和研究機構使用。 ; The project is to integrate the existing and the planning instruments in various institutions to study dynamics and structures of atmospheric wave signatures in the ionosphere. Two networks of three infrasound recorders and two ELF magnetometers are proposed to monitor atmospheric waves induced by seismicity, severe weather, typhoon, front, thunderstorm, traveling atmospheric and ionospheric disturbance, etc. Data recorded by the two networks will be online published in Common Data Service Platform of Atmospheric Science Data in Taiwan-Taiwan Space Science Database for scientific researche and education. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807