本計畫預計以三年四個月時間(97年9月至100年12月),分區蒐集台灣東北部外海、沖繩海槽南段及琉球弧溝系統之現存海洋地球物理及地質資料及相關文獻。所蒐集的資料及文獻將以表格及圖形方式展示並建檔。經過地物與地質資料的綜合解釋後,最後整合各項資料,於各年度繪製各分區之海洋地質圖及相關圖表。研究結果建立台灣東北海域海洋地物與地質資料庫,分析相關資訊,以完整掌握東北海域海洋地質條件實況,評估海域斷層之特性及其對台灣東北部可能之影響並可作為地調所未來從事海洋地質圖幅繪製時,於資料不足處,測勘與收集地物與地質資料之參考依據。 ; This project aims to collect and analyze the existing marine geophysical and geological data off the coast of northern Taiwan in the year of 2008 to 2011. The published literature concerning the study area will also be reviewed and synthesized in this project to gain a better understanding of the geological framework and potential geological hazards off northern Taiwan. The collected data will be archived as tables or maps in a database for latter access. In each year, the geological structures and other sedimentary or geophysical features will be mapped out in forms similar to the 1 to 100 thousands-scale marine geological maps. After reviewing and archiving all the existing geophysical and geological data, we hope to provide a reference frame for future data collection for full-scale marine geological mapping projects and to provide a synthesis for the assessment on potential geological hazards off the coast of northern and northeastern Taiwan. ; 研究期間 9709 ~ 9712