地球觀測系列 TERRA 與AQUA 衛星上所酬載之MODIS 感測器,具有可見光至紅外波段之36 個觀測頻道資料,可提供大氣及地表等環境參數,且擁有大氣與地表反演參數易於整合之優點,極適用於全球或區域性環境變遷之監測。本計劃之主要目標即為利用MODIS 觀測資料發展大氣與地表環境參數之反演模式,期能建立適用於亞洲地區環境參數之監測模式。由於目前美國NASA 所提供MODIS 的標準產品缺乏高反射地區之氣膠光學厚度 (Aerosol Optical Depth; AOD)資料,尤其在沙塵暴常常發生的沙漠地區。因此,計劃首先將針對高反射率地區發展氣膠參數之反演模式,以利沙塵暴之監測。本研究共分三年執行,第一年(95 年度)之研究重點主要應用較長期沙塵暴及生質燃燒個案的MODIS 等相關資料,建立更具體且完整之輻射特性資料,藉以改進氣膠參數之反演模式,包括AOD 及DAI(Deep-blue Aerosol index)等氣膠參數,期能提昇沙塵及煙塵偵測模式之準確度,目前已具有初步的成果。此外,亦將應用近期升空之地球同步衛星 MTSAT 的觀測資料,嘗試建立沙塵暴或生質燃燒的即時監測模式。而本年度(96 年度) 除持續收集衛星觀測等相關資料外,主要重點則為應用MODIS 資料建立植生指數、地表溫度以及海洋水色等地表環境參數之遙測模式。第三年(97 年度)除改進前兩年之研究結果,則將整合大氣與地表等環境參數之反演模式,建立一適用於東南亞地區之即時環境監測模式,除可即時監測區域環境狀態與變遷外,亦可提供大氣污染傳送與區域環境變遷等後續相關研究之應用。 ; MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) is a key instrument aboard the Terra and Aqua satellites of EOS (Earth Observing System). The MODIS instrument acquiring data ranging in wavelength from 0.4 μm to 14.4 μm, will improve our understanding of global dynamics and processes occurring on the land, in the oceans, and in the lower atmosphere. Equipped with the capabilities of high radiometric sensitivity and multi-spectral bands, the observations of MODIS seem to be the best logical choice for monitoring environmental changes at present. The main aim of this project is to develop the retrieval models for the environmental parameters of atmosphere and surface with MODIS data. Thus, the remote sensed model for the environmental monitoring around Asian area could be constructed. A new approach is necessary to retrieve the aerosol properties over bright surfaces, where MODIS currently provides no aerosol products over significant dust source areas. Therefore, the MODIS data will be applied for the dust and smoke (biomass burning) detection by aerosol index (AOD or DAI) over bright surface in the first year of this project (2006). The preliminary results shown that the MODIS data can be used for daily monitoring of dust and smoke detection. In the second year of this project (2007), the environmental parameters of surface will be examined to retrieve by using MODIS data, such as vegetation indices and surface temperature (land and ocean). And then the remote sensing models for retrieving surface parameter can be expected to construct during this year. In the last year (2008), more cases regarding to the dust storm and biomass burning will be using to examine and improve the results of the first two years. As a result, the remote sensed model could be constructed for the environmental monitoring effectively over Asian area. ; 研究期間 9708 ~ 9807