梅雨季期間經常出現伴隨鋒面雲帶的組織性中尺度對流系統,這種MCS往往是在海面上發展,然後移進台灣地區造成災害,因此大環境海氣之間的交互作用可能扮演相當重要的角色。由於目前海上傳統觀測資料的嚴重不足,劉和劉(2000、2001) 便利用各種衛星觀測資料反演的海氣參數,定性地探討梅雨期海上中尺度對流系統與海氣交互作用的關係。Liu et al.(2002)更利用衛星資料反演出來的各種海氣參數,發展出一套可以應用在梅雨期海上中尺度對流系統發展與否的客觀預估法(客觀潛勢指標),這方面的研究初步看來結果還算不錯,惟仍需拓展其適用性及作業化程序,以發揮其最大之研究成效,包括適合台灣地區附近使用的各種海氣參數反演方法的建立與驗證,其次則是客觀預估法的改進與作業適用性之評估。 ; There are many organized Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) occur and induce great damages around Taiwan area during the Mei-yu season. These special structural systems are the results of multi-scale interaction in the atmosphere. Basically, the large-scale environment provides the source for the up-growth of MCS. Owing to lack of enough traditional observation data over oceanic areas, The relevant information about MCSs genesis and development is not well known and difficult to forecast precisely. Thus the Air-Sea parameters retrieved from satellite observations are applied for the analysis of interaction between atmosphere and ocean surface by Liu and Liu(2000,2001), and then an objective approach (objective potential index)is develop for MSCs forecasting(Liu et al., 2002). The results are quite reasonable for some MSC cases during the Mei-yu season. The main aim of this project is to improve the objective approach for the operational procedure and practicability in weather analysis around Taiwan area. ; 研究期間 9702 ~ 9712