摘要: | 目前國際間有許多衛星搭載微波遙測之儀器,可提供近海面的風場或風速資料,在廣大的洋面上,能夠彌補傳統觀測資料不足的缺點,極適合針對在海面上形成及發展的天氣系統進行觀測。本計劃之主要目標即為利用微波遙測(SSM/I、TMI、QuikSCAT、 AMSR、WindSat)之資料,整合其環境參數(近海面風速、風向、海面溫度、近海面溫濕度)反演模式,應用於海氣間能量通量、水氣通量、渦度及輻合輻散之計算,探討其對颱風降雨強度變化之影響。本研究共分三年進行,第一年(98年度)之研究重點主要為衛星資料在近海面風場反演模式之建立及整合,除了SSM/I、TMI、QuikSCAT、AMSR及 WindSat外,亦嘗試加入具有高地面解析之SAR觀測資料,期望能提昇風場觀測資料之時間及空間解析。第二年(99年度)除持續收集計劃所需相關資料外,亦進一步利用風場資料計算渦度及輻合輻散。此外還包括水氣通量、潛熱通量、可感熱通量之估算與分析,強化各種衛星資料在參數反演之整合。第三年(100年度)主要將藉由衛星反演之近海面風場及溫濕度、海面溫度等參數,以及潛熱通量(LHF)及可感熱通量(SHF),探討海氣間能量通量、水氣通量、渦度、輻合輻散對颱風降雨強度之影響,建立一預估颱風降雨強度變化之模式,並探討及分析其實際預估之結果。 ; Since several microwave sensors on board satellites can provide wind field timely and widely in the open ocean areas, therefore, it is more efficient to observe the weather systems developed over ocean by means of microwave remote sensing than the traditional observations The main aim of this project is to analyze the main factors of regional rainfall rate with the air-sea properties retrieved from microwave data (such as SSM/I, TMI, QuikSCAT, AMSR, and WindSat).The proposed air-sea parameters used in this project include near surface wind field, sea surface temperature, near surface temperature and humidity, air-sea energy flux, moisture flux, vorticity, convergence and divergence. The analysis of influence in typhoon precipitation is also involved. In the first year of this project, the project will focus on the improvement and integration of the near surface wind field retrieved from passive and active microwave data, such as SSM/I, TMI, QuikSCAT, AMSR, and WindSat data. In order to improve the spatial and temporal resolution, the SAR data will also be examined. In the second year, the property of atmospheric vorticity, convergence, and divergence will be calculated with the retrieved wind field for the analysis of air-sea flux interaction (water vapor flux, LHF, and SHF). In the last year, the influence of air-sea energy flux, water vapor flux, vorticity, convergence, and divergence on typhoon precipitation will be concluded and applied to the forecasting of regional rainfall and typhoon precipitation as the project expected. ; 研究期間 9808 ~ 9907 |