梅雨季期間經常出現伴隨鋒面雲帶的組織性中尺度對流系統(MCS),這種MCS往往是在海面上發展,然後移進台灣地區造成災害,因此大環境海氣之間的交互作用可能扮演相當重要的角色。由於目前海上傳統觀測資料的嚴重不足,劉和劉(2000、2001) 便利用各種衛星觀測資料反演的海氣參數,定性地探討梅雨期海上中尺度對流系統與海氣交互作用的關係。Liu et al.(2002)更利用衛星資料反演出來的各種海氣參數,發展出一套可以應用在梅雨期海上中尺度對流系統發展與否的客觀預估法,這方面的研究初步看來結果還算不錯,惟仍需拓展其適用性及作業化程序,以發揮其最大之研究成效。 因此本期計畫將分為三個階段進行。第一階段主要目的除了要繼續收集衛星及海上船舶觀測資料外,還將更新適合台灣地區附近海域使用的各種海氣參數反演方法(海面溫度、近海面空氣溫度、近海面空氣濕度、近海面風場以及潛熱與可感熱通量等參數)。第二個階段將透過各種海氣參數,進行海氣交互作用與颱風發展之相關性探討。第三個階段則綜整前一階段的研究成果,建立海氣交互作用客觀潛力指數,並規劃引入CWB作業單位以期成為作業上的一個天氣診斷與預報參考因子。 ; Many mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) accompanied by heavy rainfall are frequently observed over the ocean near Taiwan during Mei-Yu period and then move to Taiwan. These systems often take a heavy toll on the local economy. Therefore, it seemed to have a strong connection between air-sea interaction and the formulation and intensification of MCSs. Due to traditional observation data are scarce over ocean. Satellite data can fill this gap. Liu and Liu (2001, 2002) derived some Air-Sea parameters and applied then to the analysis of air-sea interaction for the development of MCSs. Moreover, These parameters were also combined to produce the objective potential index which may serve as a good reference in pointing out areas where convective clouds may occur and develop into MCSs. There are three stages in this research. In the first stage, the new algorithms of derivation of these air sea parameters will be proposed through satellite. In the second stage, the air-sea interaction for development of some typhoons will be examined. Finally, an objective potential index for typhoon’s development will be proposed and transferred to operational center for more detail and long period test. ; 研究期間 9802 ~ 9812