由於多波段的天文觀測在近年已成為研究天文學之主流,以及國內的大型天文望遠鏡與觀測計畫,如阿塔卡瑪大型毫米及次毫米波陣列(ALMA)、宇宙微波背景輻射陣列 (AMiBA)、鹿林二米天文望遠鏡計畫、泛星計畫(Pan-STARRS)、康卜吞成像光譜儀(NCT) 與加法夏天文台(CFHT)之觀測與儀器改進計畫等,都將陸續展開。因此中央大學天文研究所規劃於97 年8 月25 日至30 日,以「多波段的天文觀測」為題,於阿里山天文活動中心舉辦第十屆天文研習營,本次活動全長五天六夜,邀請國內九位講員,對全國大專院校對天文有興趣的學生,除講述各波段觀測之基本原理外,並介紹這些大型計畫,此外,我們也將安排學員就近使用鹿林一米望遠鏡從事實際觀測,以培育未來執行計畫之研究人才。 ; To thoroughly understand our universe, astronomers have begun to notice the importance of multiwavelength observations in recent years. In addition, a number of large astronomical telescope and observation projects for various wavebands, such as Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy (AMiBA), Lulin Two Meter Telescope, Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRRS), Nuclear Compton Telescope (NCT), and observation and improvements of instruments for Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), have started in Taiwan. The Institute of Astronomy at the National Central University plans to hold the 10th Astronomy Summer Camp entitled “Multiwavelength Observations in Astronomy” at Youth Activity Center of A-Li Mt between August 25th to 30th (6 days and 5 nights). We will invite about 9 faculty members from various astronomical institutes in Taiwan as lectures. For the curriculum, in addition to introduction to the basic concepts for the telescopes of different wavebands, the large astronomical projects stated above will be also included. Furthermore, all the students of the camp will be arranged to process practical observations using Lulin One Meter telescope to train the possible researchers for these projects in future. ; 研究期間 9705 ~ 9804