摘要: | 水庫是藉由興建水壩蓄留河水形成的人工湖。水庫蓄水體與其周圍環境的互動稱為水庫水文效應,河流與地下含水層的水含量會因為與水庫蓄水體的交流發生變化,進而改變水循環。全世界共有大約50,000座大型水壩,創造的水庫容積達到大約6,500立方公里,相當於世界湖泊容積總和的一半,其對陸地水含量的變化程度足以影響海平面上升。 水庫所造成的地表水含量與地下水含量,約有10,000立方公里,相當於延緩海平面上升約28公厘;自1950年以後平均每年因為建壩蓄水減少0.43公厘的海平面上升量。將水庫地表水體與地下水體還原至海平面上升紀錄,則20世紀的海平面上升程度將由18公分上升至超過20公分。 A reservoir is created by building a sturdy dam, filled by the stream, and formed an artificial lake. The water impoundment in an artificial lake will exchange with the environment, which is called hydrological effect of reservoir. There are ~50,000 large dams in the world, summation of their reservoir water capacity is ~6,500 cubic kilometers of freshwater, almost equal to half of the storage global freshwater lakes, cause a great change of terrestrial storage, and impact on global sea level rise should be expected. By reconstructing the history of water impoundment in the world's artificial reservoirs, a total of ∼10,000 cubic kilometers of terrestrial storage has been derived, reduced global sea level rise by -27.6 millimeters. Averagely, -0.43 millimeters per year of global sea level rise is estimated due to dams building during the past half century. The reconstructed global sea level history, accounting for the impact of reservoirs by adding back the surface and ground water impoundment, shows that global sea level rise at 20th century should be more then 20 centimeters, instead of 18 centimeters estimated without considering the effect of reservoir storage. |